Blacklite / DependencyInjection

Dependency injection addins for AspNet 5
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Dependency Injection Extras

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Adds a few extra pieces of the dependency injection system built into AspNet 5.

[ServiceDescriptor] Attribute

Adds an attribute to the Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection namespace, that allows you register a specific class with the DI system.

Used by itself the attribute will register all the classes (and base class) with the implementation. You can specific a service type, to indicate a specific interface. You can also indicate the lifetime as supported by AspNet 5.


Extension Method. Scans the given assembly, for the ServiceDescriptor attribute, and adds them to the Service Collection.


Extension Method. Scans the given assembly and generates descriptions for each one that was found.

Future Plans

With the new meta programming model being introduced in AspNet 5, there are plans (and samples) that use Roslyn to replace the IServiceCollection.AddAssembly() or `` calls with the appropriate services as defined in the assembly at runtime.