The idea behind this bot is to make server administration as simple as typing a command in Discord, while also providing live* updates on the server status.
As the Satisfactory API evolves, so will this bot. Check back after each update for the latest news.
If you encounter any issues, please report them in the issue tracker, providing as much detail as possible. If you'd like to fork and modify this bot, it must remain open-source. Please ensure you include a link to this repository and proper credits.
Pull requests will be reviewed and implemented if they improve the bot and align with our vision.
This bot currently supports the following commands, and the list will grow over time:
Displays the status of all configured servers, showing: Server Name Server Status (Online/Offline) Number of Players vs. Max Players Current Tier Level (e.g., Tier 5/9) Average Ticks Game Duration The bot will post updates every 2 minutes in the configured channel and will post a new embed whenever it restarts. Set Channel: You can specify the channel where the updates should be posted.
Displays the status of a single server
Allows changing in-game settings such as: Auto Pause Auto Save Auto Save Interval Restart Timer Gameplay Data
Displays the current server options, allowing you to review settings such as difficulty, player limits, and more.
Saves the game, downloads the current save, and uploads it to Discord. This command allows you to keep a backup of the latest game state and share it easily.
Displays advanced game options, letting you review and adjust detailed settings for the game.
Sets a client password directly from Discord, providing an easy way to manage access to your server.
Shuts down the selected server. As long as auto-restart is enabled on your server, the bot will handle the shutdown and restart process automatically.
Most commands are restricted to users with the 'Moderate Member' permission. However, everyone can use the following commands:
Moderators have access to additional commands, such as changing server settings and restarting the server. Along with save download cool down.
Prerequisites Node.js v20.x (untested on other versions) Setup Clone the Repository:
git clone
Install Dependencies: Move into the directory where you cloned the repo, and install the necessary dependencies:
npm install
(Optional) Install pm2: To keep the bot running even after server restarts or crashes, you can install pm2 globally:
npm install pm2@latest -g
Copy the environment template and fill out the necessary fields:
cp .env.example .env
You can get the Satisfactory API token from your server's admin panel by using the command:
You can find the Discord bot token and appId on the Discord Developer Portal: If you have an SSL certificate, you can place it in the following directory:
Make a copy of servers.json.example and fill it with your server's details (Name, IP, and API Token):
cp servers.json.example servers.json
There are multiple ways to start the bot. We've included some scripts to help with this:
npm run start
Note: If you run this in a terminal, the bot will stop once the shell closes.
npm run pm2:start
npm run pm2:stop
The pm2 script automatically restarts the bot at midnight and watches specific folders. If you pull updates, the bot will automatically restart to apply changes. To have pm2 restart your bot whenever the system restarts, run:
pm2 startup
pm2 save
For any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue on GitHub or reach out on Discord:
Big thanks to SG1CSIfan for his invaluable help on this project. This bot is a simplified version of a custom bot we're building for our community over at The Brewery. We maintain 10+ Satisfactory servers, among others, all hosted on privately-owned hardware and free for everyone to use.