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Discover NederLearn - your go-to platform for mastering Dutch language and culture! Dive into our curated Dutch resources, from films to podcasts. Join our enthusiastic community of learners and let us guide your journey towards Dutch fluency.
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"Embrace the Adventure, Connect the World - NederLearn, Where Learning Dutch Becomes a Thrilling Journey"

NederLearn is an exciting companion in your journey to learn the Dutch language and understand its culture. Instead of the usual mundane and tedious language learning, NederLearn offers a thrilling exploration through films, books, articles, and podcasts about Dutch culture. It's more than just a language app, it's a community of Dutch language enthusiasts ready for a linguistic adventure. Whether you're an expat preparing for the Dutch Integration Exam or simply want to engage in light-hearted banter with Dutch colleagues, NederLearn is the perfect companion. Get ready to add a dash of excitement to your Dutch learning journey. Your adventure begins here.

Table of Content

Project Overview

NederLearn is a digital platform created specifically for English speakers who are interested in learning Dutch. The platform provides an assortment of media resources, including movies and podcasts, to help improve Dutch language proficiency. These resources span numerous topics and cater to different levels of Dutch language competence. The primary goals of NederLearn are to provide engaging language learning materials and foster a supportive community that promotes interaction among learners of the Dutch language.

User Goals

We've chosen the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) to visually demonstrate how our app's features align with our users' desires and necessities. The VPC consists of two parts: The Customer Profile, which examines the customer's identity and preferences, and The Value Map, which illustrates how a product can enhance the customer's experience.

Value Proposition Canvas Diagram

The Value Proposition Canvas Bland, David J.; Osterwalder, Alexander. Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation (Strategyzer) (p. 22). Wiley. Kindle Edition.

Value Map A Value Map illustrates the specific benefits of our app by highlighting its key features:

Product and Services

Here is a list of the services that the NederLearn app provides to its users:

Gain Creators

Here are the advantages users can enjoy when utilizing the NederLearn app:

Pain Relievers

How the NederLearn app addresses user's challenges.

Customer Profile This provides a detailed and organized overview of a potential user segment interested in the NederLearn app. #### **Customer Jobs** Describe the tasks that the user want to do in their professional and personal life with the NederLearn app. - Access learning material from any device with internet access - Navigate a user-friendly interface - Avoid wasting time searching for quality content - Get a quick overview and easy access to each content piece - Learn through diverse media formats - Follow a clear learning path based on the European Framework for Language Framework Levels #### **Gains** Describe the goals users hope to achieve or the specific benefits they are seeking with the NederLearn app. - Easy use of the app on different devices - Simple navigation with a user-friendly interface - Access to carefully checked, high-quality Dutch resources - Fun with Dutch books, movies, music, podcasts, and series - Clear learning path using European language levels ### **Pains** Explain the possible bad results, risks, and problems that could happen from the tasks that users do with the NederLearn app. - Some devices or browsers might not work well with the platform. - The design might be hard to use for some people. - There might not be enough different types of resources. - The summaries might miss some key details. - Users might not find their favorite media formats, like games or videos. - The European Language Framework Levels might not match some users' real skill levels. - There might not be enough content for advanced users to continue improving.

Site Owner Goals

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User Experience (UX) Design

Target Audience

User Requirements and Expectations

MoSCoW Method

The NederLearn application uses the MoSCoW method for brainstorming and prioritizing different features. This list is flexible and the final features of the NederLearn app may differ. The MoSCoW method categorizes tasks into four distinct groups for better organization and prioritization.

MoSCoW Method Diagram for NederLearn App

Epics & User Stories

The NederLearn app employs the MoSCoW method to categorize its functionalities into Epics, with each Epic containing associated user stories. These tasks are segmented into four distinct 'epics', each corresponding to a specific sprint or milestone. Click this link for a detailed overview of the project milestones.

Epic 1: User Authentication & Profile Management This Epic deals with handling user accounts, including registering, signing in and out, and modifying user profiles. - User Account Registration [**(MUST HAVE)**]( - Easy Login from Landing Page [**(MUST HAVE)**]( - Log out of User account [**(MUST HAVE)**]( - Create, Update & Delete User Profile [**(MUST HAVE)**]( - Password Reset [**(WON’T HAVE)**](
Epic 2: Blog Interaction & Content Management This Epic focuses on main blog features like making, reading, changing, and removing posts, and engaging with posts by commenting and liking. - User Create, Edit & Delete Blog Posts [**(MUST HAVE)**]( - Comment Blog Posts [**(MUST HAVE)**]( - Like/ Unlike Blog Posts [**(SHOULD HAVE)**]( - View Other Users' Profiles [**(SHOULD HAVE)**]( - See Post Overview [**(SHOULD HAVE)**]( - Read Full Post Detail [**(MUST HAVE)**]( - Bookmark Blog Posts [**(COULD HAVE)**]( - Receive Validating Messages [**(SHOULD HAVE)**](
Epic 3: Administration & Analytics This section covers site management such as overseeing user accounts, regulating content, and monitoring user activity. - Admin - Full Control Over User Accounts [**(MUST HAVE)**]( - Admin - Review and Edit User-Submitted Blog Posts [**(SHOULD HAVE)**]( - Admin - Manage and Categorize Blog Posts [**(COULD HAVE)**]( - Admin - Track User Engagement and Analytics [**(WON'T HAVE)**](
Epic 4; User Experience & Accessibility This epic concentrates on improving the site's overall user experience, including the look of the homepage, ease of navigation, and information accessibility. - Visually Appealing Landing Page [**(SHOULD HAVE)**]( - Navigate to About Us [**(SHOULD HAVE)**]( - Compatibility with different devices and operating systems [**(Must HAVE)**]( - Navigate to Join the Club Section [**(Must HAVE)**]( - Navigate through a well designed website [**(Must HAVE)**]( - Site pagination for easy navigation [**(SHOULD HAVE)**]( - Receive Page Error Messages [**(WON'T HAVE)**](


NederLearn App Sitemap



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User Interface (UI) Design

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Database Structure

During the planning phase of the NederLearn project, I utilized Whimsical to create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for visualizing the database structure schema.

Entity Relationship Diagram

EDR Symbols

Entity Relationship Diagram Symbols

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Technologies Used




Media Management Platform


Supporting Libraries and Packages

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