Public repo for Bliss OS bug reports, feature requests etc.
If you encounter a bug, want to suggest a new feature, have any kind of a problem with Bliss OS, this is the only place to report it.
If you came across a bug, we highly encourage that you report it here so we can take a look and fix it.
Before reporting a bug, we highly recommend that you read Before you submit a bug report and How to write a good bug report first.
Before submitting a bug report, there are a few things you need to take in consideration:
We have a few short tips on how to write a good bug report so the developers can have an easy time jumping on it:
And most important of all, make sure to fulfill as many as fields you can in our bug report template.
The more information you give us, and the more accurate it is, the sooner we'll have a fix for the bug.
If you'd like to suggest us a feature to add to Bliss OS, we highly encourage that you make a feature request here and we'll consider it.
Before submitting a feature request, we highly recommend you read Before you submit a feature request and How to write a good feature request first.
Before submitting a feature request:
We have a few short tips on how to write a good feature request so the developers can have an easy time jumping on it:
And most important of all, make sure to fulfill as many as fields you can in our feature request template.
The more information you give us, and the more accurate it is, the higher the chances are that we'll understand what exactly you're requesting.