Allow Patrons to be able to contribute back to support the open source ecosystem that allowed them to be successful.
Incentivize junior software engineers or those new to blockchain develop to learn the best practices of the community, and allow more experienced engineers a place to mentor them.
Support blockchain documentation, example code, libraries, infrastructure, etc.
Some possible thoughts:
Apprentice, Journeyman, Master?
Transparency to all stakeholders (patrons, customers, guild members)
Self-taught developer for more than 10 years and with a passion for Blockchain and Cryptography. Expert in automating work, and creating crawlers and bots for all sorts of crazy things.
Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line — The best way to learn to learn deeply about bitcoin is to avoid GUIs (even bitcoin-qt), and instead learn it from the command line.
Current Bounties
0.5 BTC, split among Apprentice contributions to testing confirming the quality of Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line tutorial and helping update it to Bitcoin 0.15.1
0.5 BTC, for an accepted Journeyman proposal and final code for a better C-based RPC library to bitcoind than used in Chapter 12 of Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line.
If you are interested in supporting a specific blockchain FOSS bounty project, or wish to support bounties in general, or in supporting infrastructure, contact or you can directly contribute BTC to 12pypEWGCnFXPJdSs283Q9W95BLEsQ9UBW — we are investigating non-profit status but we do not have it at this time, so any contributions are not tax-deductible.
This is an open source project and we welcome contributions. There are many ways to help.
If you find typos, mistakes, inconsistencies or other problems in the Blockchain Guild documents, please let us know by filing an issue at the appropriate issue tracker (we use multiple repositories). No issue is too small.
Version History
2017-12: Community started on Github
[x] Create Github Community
[ ] Create website for, maybe also (ChristopherA currently holds these domains)