BloomTech-Labs / decisionjam

CS5 Capstone Project
MIT License
0 stars 2 forks source link

Decision Jam


Decision Jam is an app that allows teams to make decisions quickly. Team members can create questions, provide answers, and vote on proposed answers all by using the Decision Jam app.

UI Screens

Landing Page: Provides screenshots of the application which includes a "buy now" button and the signup and login buttons.

Create Decision: Page for user to input question.

Main Page: A user can add the decision code to participate in providing answers and voting.

Decision Post Page: Any user can submit answers to the question.

Decision Vote Page: User can vote on all submitted answers to a question. If user is the creator of question, they can edit the max votes per user.

Decision Reveal Page: Reveals the amount of votes for reach solution from highest to lowest.

Admin Billing Panel: Billing page for subscription service.


React, Express, Node, MongoDB


npm start

nodemon server.js



Jamie Domingo | Pat Collins | Sneha Thadani