BlueBrain / spack-packages

Repository of spack external packages
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Repository Of Spack Packages And System Configurations

This repository contains Spack packages that are actively being developed for software components for neuroscience simulation and visualisation. Also, external package configurations (packages.yaml) are provided for different HPC systems in the world.

Getting Started With Spack

If you are first time here and never used Spack then may be you are interested in:


This document describes basic steps required to start development environment with Spack. Even though Spack can build entire software stack from scratch, for the developers it is more convenient to bootstrap from the existing packages provided by system which could be your personal laptop or HPC cluster.

Following instructions are divided into Platform Independent and Platform Specific section. The former section describe steps necessary to bootstrap Spack on any platforms (laptop or supercomputer platform). The later provides information about how one can take benefit of pre-installed softwares/modules and benefit from optimized libraries with minimum build time.

Platform Independent Settings

These steps are independent of platform i.e. if you want to start from scratch or bootstrap from existing packages.


We will use following prefix throughout the scripts. Set those according to your convenience:


Clone Repository

Clone Spack repository from GitHub. We could use official repository from LLNL but few modifications have been added to our fork (for existing bugs on some systems like BBP IV BG-Q) and we test it via Jenkins plan. Hence we will use following fork:

git clone

cd spack

# if you want to track upstream development branch
git remote add llnl
git fetch llnl

Update .bashrc or .bash_profile

In order to access Spack shell support, add following in your .bashrc (linux) or .bash_profile (OS X):

export SPACK_ROOT=$HOME/workarena/software/sources/spack
source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/

We assume that Environment Modules is properly installed and module command is available on the PATH environment variable. Check Spack documentation if this is not the case.

Make sure to source your .bashrc or .bash_profile whenever you update it.

Additional Packages

We have new packages for some of the software components (from BBP) in a separate repository (e.g. NEURON, CoreNEURON, ReportingLib, Neurodamus, NEST). In order to build those packages with Spack, add bellow GitHub repository as a Spack package repository:

git clone
spack repo add --scope site `pwd`/spack-packages

You can check the existing repositories using below command:

$ spack repo list
==> 2 package repositories.
bbp        /Users/kumbhar/workarena/software/sources/spack-packages
builtin    /Users/kumbhar/workarena/software/sources/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin

Note that the builtin repository contains all packages provided by Spack. The bbp repository is the one that we just added.

Make sure to update / pull both repositories if there are any upstream changes.

Once you followed above setup, you can execute spack arch command to find out which platform and architecture you are building for:

$ spack arch

If you are on linux system:

$ spack arch

Note that darwin is the platform name and it could be linux, bgq, cray etc. depending on the system you have.

Platform Specific Configuration

Once you setup Spack, you can start installing the entire software stack including compilers, libraries, MPI etc. But as an end user of computing systems, we typically have pre-installed software stack like compilers, MPI, scientific libraries, build tools etc. One of the most useful feature of Spack is the ability to integrate with existing softwares with ease. For example, if you start your development on desktop or Lugano vizcluster, do you want to install GCC, LLVM compilers, flex, bison, Python, CMake, autoconf etc. from source yourself? Or, do you want to use apt, brew or pre-installed softwares, modules?

If you haven't installed such softwares from source, here are examples of dependencies shown by

$ spack spec hdf5:

spack spec hdf5

and $ spack spec llvm:

spack spec llvm

The hierarchical output shows that the hdf5 package depends on openmpi (for parallel library) which depends on hwloc which depends on libxml and so on. The same story with LLVM but the dependency tree is large! Do we want to install all those packages from source? Even flex, bison and their ten different dependencies?

Some users might want to install everything from scratch (e.g. system engineers or developer needing latest trunk of LLVM!). But often we want to use existing softwares as much as possible and then concentrate on our own software stack and dependencies.

As a user of BBP-IV Lugano VizCluster, Lugano BG-Q, MIRA BG-Q, Theta (Cray KNL), JURON (Cray KNL), JULIA (IBM Power 8), Piz Daint (Cray x86_64 + GPU) systems, we have created configurations of existing softwares that can be used with Spack. The configurations are present in sysconfigs directory.

Typically we create platform specific configurations in $HOME/.spack/arch directory where arch could be linux, bgq, cray etc. For example, on Lugano BBP IV VizCluster we can use existing configurations as :

mkdir -p $HOME/.spack/linux/
cp -r $SOURCE_HOME_DIR/spack-packages/sysconfigs/bbpviz/* ~/.spack/linux/

Note that the configurations in bbplinuxdesktop, mac, docker are from local development environment and you may have different software versions / stack.

Using such configurations we can use existing system installed packages or modules and build minimum necessary components. For example, with above configuration spack spec -I hdf5 shows (-I for installation status):

spack spec hdf5 viz

Now MPI (mvapich2) is already installed (indicated by [+]) and we will build only zlib and hdf5.

If there is a config.yaml (e.g. $HOME/.spack/linux/config.yaml) in the provided configurations, it might look like:

  install_tree: ~/spack_install/viz/
    tcl: ~/spack_modules/viz/tcl/
    lmod: ~/spack_modules/viz/lmod/
    - $spack/var/spack/stage

This yaml file specifies the path where softwares will be installed and modules will be created. Update these paths as per your directory preferences. If you add / change module_roots then make sure to reload so that Spack knows the new module path (otherwise you will get Unable to locate a modulefile error while loading packages with Spack):

source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/

If you don't have config.yaml file then Spack will install softwares in $SPACK_ROOT/opt/spack/linux-arch-xxx/gcc-xxx (platform, architecture and compiler names will be different). More detailed information about Spack configuration files is here.

The provided configurations in sysconfigs directory are for specific system that we are using. But how to create such configurations? What if we want to build software stack on completely new Power-X supercomputer?

In order to understand the complete workflow, we will go through step-by-step tutorial for OS X and Linux cluster platform. Once you are familiar with this workflow, you can use same workflow for any platform.

Bootstrapping Spack on Mac OS X

As discussed earlier, we can build the entire software stack including CMake, GCC, LLVM, MPI (MPICH or OpenMPI) with Spack on our laptop. But for development purpose, most of the time, we don't want to build these packages from source as they take long time to build (my poor MacBook from 2011!). In this case it is a good idea to use Homebrew or Macport to install these packages.

Note that you can skip installing packages from Homebrew if you want to install everything from source with Spack. But then you will end up building lots of dependencies.

So lets start installing common packages that we need:

brew install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config cmake flex bison

Apart from Apple Clang, we may want to use GNU:

brew install gcc49

If you want, for convenience, create symlinks for gcc, g++ and fortran (this is because default gcc and g++ are actually clang compilers on OSX).

cd /usr/local/bin/
ln -s ../Cellar/gcc\@4.9/4.9.4/bin/g++-4.9 g++
ln -s ../Cellar/gcc\@4.9/4.9.4/bin/gcc-4.9 gcc
ln -s ../Cellar/gcc\@4.9/4.9.4/bin/gfortran-4.9 fortran

For zlib

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install zlib

We commonly need MPI library, we can install it using Homebrew. The openmpi library installed using Homebrew can be used with other compilers (gcc/clang):

brew install openmpi

Spack uses environment-module i.e. Modules and Lmod packages to load / unload modules. You can install those using Spack or from Homebrew:

brew install modules
brew install homebrew/science/lmod

If you are using parallel HDF5, install it using:

 brew install hdf5 --with-mpi

Boost is often time consuming too build (depending on version and compiler):

brew install boost@1.55

You can install latest version using brew install boost if you want.

Now we have all required packages installed from Homebrew. Update .bashrc_profile with path for modules package so that Spack can use it:

MODULES_HOME=`brew --prefix modules`
source ${MODULES_HOME}/Modules/init/bash

Or, if you want to use more advanced hierarchical module environment based on Lmod then:

LMOD_HOME=`brew --prefix lmod`
source $LMOD_HOME/lmod/init/bash

On OSX typically path is /usr/local/opt/modules/Modules/init/bash

Building Qt by hand is quite complex. Let's use the one kindly provided by brew:

brew install qt55

Lets start with Spack now!

Compiler Configuration

First step with Spack is to find compilers available on system. We can do this with following command:

spack compiler find

This will find common compilers available in $PATH and print out the list:

==> Added 2 new compilers to /Users/kumbhar/.spack/darwin/compilers.yaml
    gcc@4.9.4  clang@8.1.0-apple
==> Compilers are defined in the following files:

Note that new file .spack/darwin/compilers.yaml is created in $HOME which stores all compiler configuration. This file looks like:

- compiler:
    environment: {}
    extra_rpaths: []
    flags: {}
    modules: []
    operating_system: sierra
      cc: !!python/unicode '/Applications/'
      cxx: !!python/unicode '/Applications/'
      f77: /usr/local/bin/gfortran
      fc: /usr/local/bin/gfortran
    spec: clang@8.1.0-apple
    target: x86_64
- compiler:
    environment: {}
    extra_rpaths: []
    flags: {}
    modules: []
    operating_system: sierra
      cc: /usr/local/bin/gcc-4.9
      cxx: /usr/local/bin/g++-4.9
      f77: /usr/local/bin/gfortran-4.9
      fc: /usr/local/bin/gfortran-4.9
    spec: gcc@4.9.4
    target: x86_64

Or, if your don't have Xcode installed or have different compiler versions then Clang compiler section might look different:

- compiler:
    environment: {}
    extra_rpaths: []
    flags: {}
    modules: []
    operating_system: sierra
      cc: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang
      cxx: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang++
      f77: null
      fc: null
    spec: clang@8.1.0-apple
    target: x86_64

The compilers.yaml file has configuration for every compiler. You can check if the auto-detected compilers are correct. Note that fortran compilers are not provided by Apple Clang and hence building any package requiring fortran compiler will fail with Clang (for example, hdf5 package). It's safe to use gfortran with clang compilers (until we get flang releases in near future).

You can list the compilers using spack compilers:

spack compilers
==> Available compilers
-- clang sierra-x86_64 ------------------------------------------

-- gcc sierra-x86_64 --------------------------------------------

And if you install new compiler, then force to re-search it using:

spack compiler find

==> Found no new compilers

Often compilers are installed in non-standard directories which are not in $PATH. You can provide path search compilers as:

spack compiler find /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/3.9.0/

==> Added 1 new compiler to /Users/kumbhar/.spack/darwin/compilers.yaml
Package Configuration

Second important step is to tell spack about existing packages. Spack can build most of the environment for you but we want to use packages like MPI, CMake, autotools etc. provided by the system. This is more important on HPC facilities where packages like MPI are tuned for hardware and provided by supercomputing center/vendors. We don't want to install those ourselves from source. This is where packages.yaml file in $HOME/.spack/darwin/ comes into action (darwin here is platform name). The packages.yaml tells spack which existing packages to use, their versions, compiler preferences etc. For example, if you try to build package which need CMake, Spack will try to build CMake and all its dependencies from source. But we have previously installed CMake with brew and we can tell spack to use it using below packages.yaml:

            cmake@3.8.2: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [3.8.2]

In the above configuration we told Spack to use CMake from /usr/local (installed by Homebrew). Finally buildable: False tells Spack to not build this package from source. So Spack will never try to build this package explicitly and if constraints are not satisfied, the following error is raised:

==> Error: The spec 'cmake' is configured as not buildable, and no matching external installs were found

When we specify dependency like depends_on('cmake', type='build'), Spack will match any CMake version available. But many packages specify version constraints in the dependency like depends_on('cmake@2.8.12:', type='build'). This indicates that CMake version should be >=2.8.12. To satisfy this constraint you have to make sure to provide appropriate version. Otherwise you can remove buildable: False option.

We can provide preferences for all packages in packages.yaml. For example, in the below configuration we specified compiler preferences for building any package. Also, we specify mpich as MPI provider.

       compiler: [gcc@4.9.4, clang@8.1.0-apple]
           mpi: [mpich]

Another important aspect is variants. The packages.yaml allows us to specify variant preferences. This is important aspect while building packages on different platforms or by different members of the team. For example, consider the example of HDF5 package. If you look at HDF5 package using spack info, it shows different variants including fortran:

spack info hdf5
Package:    hdf5
   Name          Default   Description

   cxx           on        Enable C++ support
   debug         off       Builds a debug version of the library
   fortran       on        Enable Fortran support

On OS X if you don't have fortran compilers with llvm toolchain, you can disable fortran variant in packages.yaml as:

       variants: ~fortran

With the above configuration we tell spack to not build fortran bindings of HDF5 package. Now HDF5 will be built by Clang compiler without any errors. Similarly we can specify version preferences. For example, latest Boost version takes long time to build. We need Boost for testing purpose and old version is sufficient:

       version: [1.51.0]

With all system packages, $HOME/.spack/darwin/packages.yaml looks like below:

            cmake@3.9.1: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [3.9.1]

            autoconf@system: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [system]

            automake@system: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [system]

            libtool@system: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [system]

            openssl@system: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [system]

            flex@system: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [system]

            bison@system: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [system]

            pkg-config@system: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [system]

            environment-modules@system: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [system]

            python@2.7.10: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
        buildable: False
        version: [2.7.10]

            hdf5@1.10.1: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        variants: ~fortran
        version: [1.10.1]

            zlib@1.2.11: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [1.2.11]

            qt@5.5.1: /usr/local/Cellar/qt55/5.5.1
        buildable: False
        version: [5.5.1]

            openmpi@2.1.1: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [2.1.1]

            boost@1.55.0%clang@8.1.0-apple: /usr/local
        version: [1.55.0]

            gcc@4.9.4%gcc@4.4: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [4.9.4]

            llvm@8.1.0-apple%gcc@4.4: /usr/local
        buildable: False
        version: [8.1.0-apple]

        compiler: [gcc@4.9.4, clang@8.1.0-apple]
            mpi: [openmpi]

With above configuration we tell Spack to find various packages under /usr/local installed by Homebrew, compiler preferences and openmpi as MPI library preference.

FAQs ABOUT packages.yaml

Spack in Action: Installing Packages

In the previous section we saw how to setup external packages in packages.yaml and compilers in compilers.yaml. Now we are ready to install packages!

Note that the screenshot in this section might be showing different package / compiler versions and their dependencies.

Before installing any package, first step is to check what is going to be installed! For this we use spack spec -I command. For example, below command shows how hdf5 package is going to be installed:

spack spec hdf5

Here Spack is going to install 1.8.17 version of hdf5 using gcc 4.9.4. You can ignore rest of the information for now. Now if we try to install it using spack install:

spack spec hdf5

Instead of installing hdf5 from source, Spack detects that the hdf5 is externally installed (as per our specification in packages.yaml) and just register into database. If you now look at the status of hdf5 using spec -I command, we see [+] symbol indicating the installed status:

![spack spec install hdf5] (.images/spec_hdf5_after_status.png)

Note that if you don't have packages.yaml configuration file under $HOME/.spack or $HOME/.spack/darwin, spack spec -I hdf5 will show below output:

spack spec hdf5

i.e. Spack is going to install all dependencies including openmpi, hwloc etc. from source. Hence before installing hdf5 you should ask yourself if you really want to build openmpi and all its dependencies. If spack spec is showing dependencies that you don't want to build then you have to check external package specification in $HOME/.spack/darwin/packages.yaml.

FAQ : Does spack spec -I showing all packages that are going to be install? 

Consider spack spec -I output for OSU benchmark that we typically use for MPI communication / network benchmarking:

spack spec osu

We have specified openmpi in packages.yaml but still it's status is not shown as installed using [+] symbol. As previously discussed, openmpi is still not registered into database. So how can we know if the package is going to be installed or not? If you look at the output of previous two screenshots you will see importance different where openmpi was showing all it's dependency tree including hwloc->libxml2->pkg-config etc. Lack of this dependency in last output gives an indication that the package is not going to be installed. If you try to install openmpi and then check spec you will see openmpi status as installed:

spack spec osu

Better way to avoid this confusion is pre-registering all external packages into Spack database. For example, if we have added packages like flex, bison, autoconf etc. into the packages.yaml (with buildable: False) then we can invoke install command at the begining and Spack will register them into the database without installation:

$ spack install flex bison autoconf
==> flex@system : externally installed in /usr/local
==> flex@system : generating module file
==> flex@system : registering into DB
==> bison@system : externally installed in /usr/local
==> bison@system : generating module file
==> bison@system : registering into DB
==> autoconf@system : externally installed in /usr/local
==> autoconf@system : generating module file
==> autoconf@system : registering into DB

Once we are sure about the packages going to be installed, we can install package using spack install command as:

spack install osu

Now you can get list of all installed packages using find command:

spack install osu

You can load the installed package using load command as:

$ spack load osu-micro-benchmarks

$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) osu-micro-benchmarks-5.3-gcc-4.9.4-lx75aay

Similarly you can install other packages provided by Spack. You can see available packages using list command:

$ spack list
==> 1792 packages.
abinit    everytrace          jansson   mpc   py-certifi  py-radical-utils  r-modeltools  stc
abyss     everytrace-example  jasper    mpe2  py-cffi     py-ra

$ spack list mod2c

==> 1 packages.

We have added spack-packages repository in the beginning. You can see which package repositories have been added using repo list command as:

$ spack repo list

2 package repositories.
spack-packages        /Users/kumbhar/workarena/software/sources/spack-packages
builtin    /Users/kumbhar/workarena/software/sources/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin

We can see the dependencies of NEURON package with spack spec command change compiler using % symbol followed by compiler name as:

spack spec neuron

We can install NEURON with 'clang' and 'gcc' compiler as as:

spack install neuron %gcc
spack install neuron %clang

spack spec neuron

If you have large number of packages with different dependencies and different build options (variants in Spack world), you can install those one by one or write a script (e.g. under Jenkins). Here is example of installing BBP simulation stack using Clang and GNU compiler:


set -x

# list of packages to install
    'neuron -python'


uninstall_package() {
    for package in "${dev_packages[@]}"
        spack uninstall -a -f -R -y $package

# if any inconsistent packages
spack reindex

# uninstall all packages

# stop if any package installation fails
set -e

# for every compiler
for compiler in "${compilers[@]}"
     # build each package
    for package in "${dev_packages[@]}"
        spack install $package $compiler

The above script will build CoreNEURON, ReportingLib, Mod2c, NEURON, three different branches of Neurodamus (master, saveupdate for INCITE, develop for CoreNEURON development) and NEURON without python support using gcc as well as clang compilers (total 16 packages). You can see all installed packages using find command:

spack bbp sim stack

There are lot of useful commands and here are some useful once:

Generating Modules

In the previous section we saw how to install different softwares. Spack provides load command to easily load packages. For example, you can say:

$ spack load neuron +python %gcc ^python@2.7

This means "Hey, load neuron package compiled with python bindings enabled, using gcc compiler and python used should be be version 2.7". This command line syntax of Spack is very useful for loading complicated dependency tree. But in scientific computing environment we often need to provide interface for users that they are already familiar with. For example, typically users are familiar with Environment Modules, LMod or Dotkit. Good news is that the Spack has built in support for automatically generating such modules. Spack internally uses tcl modules or lmod itself. For example, if you do module avail you will see all modules generated:

spack module av

Those are modules for all software that we have installed so far! If you look at module names carefully then you can see :

These auto-generated modules are difficult to use for end users and that's where Spack support for modules comes handy! Details information is here. Below instructions provide quick instructions for generating module on OS X.

We will look into Environment Modules as well as LMod. As discussed in OS X section, make sure you have module and lmod installed via brew. Your .bashrc or .bash_profile should activate the support for modules as:

MODULES_HOME=`brew --prefix modules`
source ${MODULES_HOME}/Modules/init/bash

brew install lmod/ modules under /usr/local/opt/

In order to tune the module generation first step is to create modules.yaml in $HOME/.spack/modules.yaml. This configuration file controls how modules will be generated. Here is sample configuration for tcl modules:


      - tcl
          '^openmpi': 'openmpi'
          '^python': 'python'

      autoload: 'direct'
          - '${PACKAGE}'
          '${PACKAGE}_ROOT': '${PREFIX}'
        environment_blacklist: ['CPATH', 'LIBRARY_PATH']

    hash_length: 0
    naming_scheme: '${PACKAGE}/${VERSION}-${COMPILERNAME}'

    blacklist: ['cmake', 'hdf5', 'zlib', 'autoconf', 'libtool', 'pkg-config', 'automake', '%gcc@4.4', 'mod2c', '-compile']

          SLURM_MPI_TYPE: pmi2

Here is brief explanation of the above modules configuration:

With the above $HOME/.spack/darwin/modules.yaml file we are ready to regenerate using module refresh command:

$ spack module refresh -y --delete-tree
==> Regenerating tcl module files

Now we can check our generated modules using module avail as:

spack module av

Now generated modules are much better! If you try to reload same module twice, then you can see conflict:

$ module load neurodamus/develop-clang
$ module load neurodamus/develop-clang-python-openmpi
Autoloading openmpi/2.1.1-clang
Autoloading reportinglib/develop-clang-openmpi
Autoloading neuron/master-clang-python-openmpi
Autoloading python/2.7.10-clang
neurodamus/develop-clang-python-openmpi(36):ERROR:150: Module 'neurodamus/develop-clang-python-openmpi' conflicts with the currently loaded module(s) 'neurodamus/develop-clang'
neurodamus/develop-clang-python-openmpi(36):ERROR:102: Tcl command execution failed: conflict neurodamus

Environment Modules is sufficient for basic use but there are number of limitations. LMod has lot of improvements over modules and being used on large computing systems. You can find more information here. When lmod is activated Spack will generate a set of hierarchical lua module files that are understood by LMod.

In order to use lmod we have to update $HOME/.spack/darwin/modules.yaml as:


      - lmod


      - 'gcc@4.4'

    hash_length: 0
    blacklist: ['cmake', 'hdf5', 'zlib', 'autoconf', 'libtool', 'pkg-config', 'automake', 'mod2c', '-compile']

          '^python': 'python'

          '${PACKAGE}_ROOT': '${PREFIX}'

        environment_blacklist: ['CPATH', 'LIBRARY_PATH']

      autoload: 'direct'

          SLURM_MPI_TYPE: pmi2

The configuration file is similar to tcl modules except:

Make sure to activate support for LMod using following lines in .bashrc or .bash_profile:

LMOD_HOME=`brew --prefix lmod`
source $LMOD_HOME/lmod/init/bash

We have installed gcc 4.9.4 and llvm 8.1.0 compilers via brew. The packages.yaml has external package specification and hence we have to register them into the database prior to generating Lmod modules:

$ spack install gcc
==> gcc@4.9.4 : externally installed in /usr/local
==> gcc@4.9.4 : generating module file
==> gcc@4.9.4 : registering into DB

$ spack install llvm
==> llvm@8.1.0-apple : externally installed in /usr/local
==> llvm@8.1.0-apple : generating module file
==> llvm@8.1.0-apple : registering into DB
FAQ : During above spack install gcc I am getting Error: No compilers with spec gcc@4.4 found. What to do? 

As explained previously, in order to use Lmod with compiler hierarchies we need to set one core compiler. This should be a different version of the compiler from those we have used for packages installation (i.e. gcc@4.9.4 and llvm@8.1.0-apple). You can check the output of spack compilers and choose one as a core compiler. If you don't have extra compiler and don't want to build one, you can cheat by adding dummy entry into compilers.yaml as:

- compiler:
    operating_system: sierra
      cc: /usr/some/bin/gcc4.4
      cxx: /usr/some/bin/g++4.4
      f77: /usr/some/bin/gfortran-4.4
      fc: /usr/some/bin/gfortran-4.4
    spec: gcc@4.4
    target: x86_64

Note that this is a workaround (hack) and you must consider using actual compiler. We have used non-existent path in the above configuration. If Spack try to use that compiler for actual installation of the package then there will be obvious build failures.

With the updated modules.yaml for LMod, we can re-generate lmod modules using module refresh command as:

$ spack module refresh --delete-tree -y -m lmod
==> Regenerating lmod module files

By default our $MODULEPATH might be pointing to tcl modules. Make sure to set MODULEPATH to the Core directory inside share/spack/lmod/:

export MODULEPATH=/Users/kumbhar/workarena/software/sources/spack/share/spack/lmod/darwin-sierra-x86_64/Core/
  • If Core directory is not generated then there is issue with core compiler (either compiler specification is not correct or compilers are not registered into the database)
  • Make sure to unset previous MODULEPATH which is pointing to the tcl modules generated (otherwise Lmod will be using Tcl modules)

Now lets see what module avail is showing:

spack lmod av

We only see compilers because we are in hierarchical modules world! As mentioned earlier, the default hierarchy is compilers -> mpi -> packages. So if we now load llvm compiler and see available modules in the next hierarchy:

spack lmod av

As second hierarchy is MPI, all modules compiled with MPI as hidden in the next hierarchy. This is useful when we don't to mix modules compiled with two different MPIs for two different network fabrics. Note that the Python is shown in 2nd hierarchy itself because it is not dependent on MPI. After loading OpenMPI module, the module avail looks like below:

spack lmod av

Now we can load neuron and neurodamus modules and check the output of module avail:

spack lmod av

As our modules.yaml has autoload: 'direct', all the direct dependencies of package are autoloaded (i.e. neurodamus has dependency with neuron, reportinglib and python).

But, what is the advantage of going through extra complicated multi-step process?

Well, suppose now we want to load modules build by gcc compiler or another mpi version necessary for different cluster partition (e.g. KNL or Power8 or nodes with Infiniband network). Typically we will do module purge and start over again! And that's when Lmod make workflow simpler. If we just switch mpi or compiler, Lmod will automatically detect the changes in the dependency and will reload everything consistent! Lets swap llvm compiler by gcc :

spack lmod av

As indicated by message "Due to MODULEPATH changes, the following have been reloaded", the modules compiled by llvm are now replaced by gcc compiled ones. If we see output of module avail it's clear that the loaded modules are from gcc subtree:

spack lmod av

The same will be the case if we have different mpi and switch to that. Lmod offers rich functionality to make entire workflow easy. You can find more information here.

Bootstrapping Spack on Ubuntu 16

TODO : Various aspects described in OS X tutorial remains same for Ubuntu. We will add ste-by-step instructions to bootstrap Spack on Ubuntu 16 later.

Here are quick notes:

sudo apt-get -y install environment-modules
echo "source  /etc/profile.d/" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
TODO/WIP ### Bootstrapping Spack on BBP IV Lugano VizCluster ### > TODO : Similar to OS X, we will be adding ste-by-step instructions to bootstrap Spack All above instructions for OS X will be useful to setup development environment on Lugano Vizcluster, read those first. We list few important exceptions that must be considered: * On HPC cluster system like `Lugano Vizcluster`, we don't want to / shouldn't install compilers, MPI libraries etc. * We should use existing modules as much as possible. * Spack discourage use of `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` from user space. Many existing modules on HPC systems set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. In order to use these modules, we have to use `--dirty` flag during installation (related issue has been reported upstream). * All `MPI` packages are externally installed. The actual libraries are `mvapich2`, `mpich3`, `intelmpi` etc. Many times we have to specify these `MPI` libraries explicitly on command line with `install` or `spec` command like `spack spec neuron +mpi ^mvapich2` otherwise we get `list out of index` error. (this is likely a bug and has been reported upstream). * I have used packages like `autotools`, `pkg-config` from `/usr/bin/` which is discouraged! As these are only used for building, I have never seen any issues (if versions are properly specified). I am using those in `packages.yaml` to quickly bootstrap without building too many packages. But it's may not be good idea to copy up to date version from `bbpviz` directory as: Make sure to copy up to date version from `bbpviz` directory as: ``` mkdir -p $HOME/.spack/linux cp -r bbpviz/* $HOME/.spack/linux/ ``` The configuration looks like: ```bash packages: intelmpi: paths: intelmpi@develop: /gpfs/ version: [develop] buildable: False cmake: paths: cmake@3.6.2: /gpfs/ version: [3.6.2] buildable: False mvapich2: modules: mvapich2@2.0.1%gcc@4.9.0: mvapich2/2.0.1-nocuda buildable: False autoconf: paths: autoconf@system: /usr buildable: False version: [system] automake: paths: automake@system: /usr buildable: False version: [system] pkg-config: paths: pkg-config@0.29.1: /usr buildable: False version: [0.29.1] libtool: paths: libtool@system: /usr buildable: False version: [system] python: paths: python@2.6.6: /usr version: [2.6.6] buildable: False cuda: modules: cuda@6.0: cuda/6.0 version: [6.0] buildable: False mpich: modules: mpich@3.2: pgi/mpich/16.5 buildable: False version: [3.2] hdf5: paths: hdf5@1.10.0%gcc@4.9.0: /gpfs/ hdf5@1.10.0%intel@17.0.0: /gpfs/ hdf5@1.8.5%pgi@16.5-0: /gpfs/ variants: ~fortran ~shared ~cxx buildable: False version: [1.10.0] zlib: paths: zlib@1.2.8%gcc@4.9.0: /gpfs/ zlib@1.2.8%intel@17.0.0: /gpfs/ zlib@1.2.8%pgi@16.5-0: /gpfs/ buildable: False version: [1.2.8] tau: variants: ~openmp ~comm ~phase coreneuron: variants: ~openmp all: compiler: [gcc@4.9.0, intel@17.0.0] providers: mpi: [mvapich2, intelmpi, mpich] ``` And build script for `Intel`, `PGI` and `GNU` compiler looks like: ```bash #Module issue export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/gpfs/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ##### UNINSTALL PACKAGE ##### uninstall_package() { spack uninstall -y -f -d -a neuron spack uninstall -y -f -d -a coreneuron spack uninstall -y -f -d -a mod2c spack uninstall -y -f -d -a nrnh5 spack uninstall -y -f -d -a reportinglib spack uninstall -y -f -d -a neurodamus spack uninstall -y -f -d -a neuron-nmodl } #### WE WILL INSTALL PYTHON AND HDF5 ONCE dependency_install() { spack install --dirty hdf5 +mpi %gcc ^mvapich2 spack install --dirty hdf5 +mpi %intel ^intelmpi } #### COMPILER TOOLCHAINS #### compiler_with_mpi=( '%intel ^intelmpi' '%gcc ^mvapich2' ) #in case there are inconsistencies spack reindex uninstall_package #spack uninstall -a -f -d -y hdf5 #stop on error set -e dependency_install # hdf5 issue spack load hdf5 +mpi %gcc ^mvapich2 spack load hdf5 +mpi %intel ^intelmpi #packages without MPI dependency spack install --dirty mod2c@develop %intel spack install --dirty mod2c@github %intel spack install --dirty mod2c@develop %gcc spack install --dirty mod2c@github %gcc for compiler_mpi in "${compiler_with_mpi[@]}" do spack install --dirty nrnh5@develop $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty neuron@develop +mpi $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty neuron@hdf +mpi $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty reportinglib $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty neurodamus@master +compile $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty neurodamus@develop +compile $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty neurodamus@hdf +compile $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty coreneuron@develop +report $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty coreneuron@github +report $compiler_mpi spack install --dirty coreneuron@hdf +report $compiler_mpi done spack install --dirty mod2c@develop %pgi spack install --dirty coreneuron@develop +report %pgi ^mvapich2 spack install --dirty mod2c@github %pgi #need to push the fix to github repos #spack install --dirty coreneuron@github +report %pgi ^mvapich2 ``` #### Lugano BG-Q Configuration ## Note that up to date configurations are under `bbpbgq/` directory. Make sure to copy those as: ``` mkdir -p $HOME/.spack/bgq/ cp bbpbgq/* $HOME/.spack/bgq/ ``` #### Piz Daint Configuration #### Note that up to date configurations are under `daint/` directory. Make sure to copy those as: ``` mkdir -p $HOME/.spack/cray/ cp daint/* $HOME/.spack/cray/ ``` The instructions / script to install NEURON/CoreNEURON is provided under `daint/`. #### Theta Configuration #### Note that up to date configurations are under `theta/` directory. Make sure to copy those as: ``` mkdir -p $HOME/.spack/cray/ cp theta/* $HOME/.spack/cray/ ``` The instructions / scrit to install NEURON/CoreNEURON is provided under `theta/`.