BlueCyro / Impressive

Adds support for the Quest Pro on Resonite via SteamLink's OSC!
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link

🎭 Impressive: Make your best impressions!


Resonite now supports all of the Quest Pro face tracking blendshapes natively!

Impressive is a mod for Resonite via ResoniteModLoader which adds support for Steam Link's passthrough of face tracking and eye tracking data.




If you're using a Steam VR Beta on your computer, make sure your Steam Link on your Headset is also in that Beta.


  1. Impressive depends on Re-Sounding (by yours truly), and Rug.Osc (by rugcode). Both are included with the download of this mod for your convenience.
  2. Make sure you've followed the installation instructions for ResoniteModLoader so that you can install Resonite mods.
  3. Simply unzip the latest zip from releases and drop the "Resonite" folder, onto your own wherever you have Resonite installed. This will move all of the prerequisite files to the locations that they need to be in.
  4. You're done! Simply boot up Steam Link and set the OSC output port to "Direct (9000)" or in the event that it's renamed, the closest match. You want it to be on the direct mode so as not to use the wrong OSC bindings.