BlueFrogGaming / icuke

Integration testing for iPhone applications with Cucumber
MIT License
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iCuke allows you to test an iPhone application with cucumber. It provides a selection of step definitions similar to those provided for testing web applications.


Install the gem, require it, and extend your cucumber World object with the iCuke step definitions, in a cucumber support file:

require 'icuke/cucumber'

Write some scenarios like:

  Given "iCuke" from "app/iCuke/iCuke.xcodeproj" is loaded in the simulator

Scenario: User views the About screen
  When I tap "About"
  Then I should see "Author:"

How it works

iCuke launches your application into the iPhone Simulator. A preload library is used to add a HTTP server into your application.

The HTTP server allows us to see an XML version of the iPhone's screen, and to emulate taps/swipes etc.

iCuke should not require any code changes to your application to work, however, it relies on accessibility information to function sensibly. If your accessibility information is not accurate, iCuke may not work as expected.


iCuke needs to be able to find products in your build product's directory. In Xcode 4, you must either enable the "Place build products in locations specified by targets" option (available in the "Locations" tab of the preferences dialog), or build your project with the "xcodebuild" tool.

Additionally, if you've configured a non-standard location for the build products, iCuke may not be able to find the app.

If iCuke cannot find the app, you will receive a timeout error when running the Cucumber steps.

Compatibility Mode

By default iCuke adds methods to the World object in which cucumber scenarios run.

This makes it easy to do things like this in your step definitions:

Given /^the user is logged in$/ do
  type "username", "test_user"
  type "password", "test_password"

In adding things to the World object, however, you may end up stomping on methods that come from other places. For example, Capybara defines a #drag method for the World object, and so does ICuke. This makes it impossbile to use them together. Another example is the #tap method in ICuke which conflicts with Ruby 1.9.X's Object#tap method.

In order to solve this instead of:

require 'icuke/cucumber'


require 'icuke/cucumber_compat'

By doing this each of the methods provided by the api will be scoped to an icuke_driver object. #tap becomes icuke_driver.tap, #drag becomes icuke_driver.drag, #type becomes icuke_driver.type etc. The example above would become:

Given /^the user is logged in$/ do
  icuke_driver.type "username", "test_user"
  icuke_driver.type "password", "test_password"


iCuke does not support testing applications on real devices, because I don't know of a way get a preload library to load on the device.

iCuke does not support pinches yet. They'll be here soon!

iCuke compiles against the latest 3.1 and 4.0 SDKs it can find. Compiling against 3.2 is not currently supported as Apple have released two versions with different ABIs.



Thanks go to the people who's work iCuke is based on:

As the original author, Rob Holland of Unboxed Consulting deserves your special thanks.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests


Copyright (c) 2010 Unboxed Consulting. See LICENSE for details.