BlueM / form-change-tracker

Tracks pristine/dirty state of in-browser form controls
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form-change-tracker is a small (roughly 3 kB gzipped including its only dependency) JavaScript browser library for keeping track of the state (pristine vs. changed) of controls in a DOM-based form.

Using this state (i.e.: via CSS class names added or removed from controls and their associated <label> elements), you can provide visual feedback regarding which controls have changed and which have not. Of course, it will detect if an element is first changed and then changed back to its initial value. Additionally, form-change-tracker automatically manages disabling or enabling a reset button, if there is one in the form, and will call a callback, if you like.

This library is probably not what you need in a project where you already are using some SPA framework (React, Angular, Vue or the like), but is a nice addition for “classical” mainly server-side rendered applications.

This Library on npm:

Browser support

This library will work (at least) on:

How to set up and use


Depending on your favorite package manager, run either of:


The library is an ES6 class, so the way to use it depends on your tooling and the browsers you want to support.

With Webpack

First, write your code using an ES6 import:

import FormChangeTracker from '@bluem/form-change-tracker';

Then, assuming you have Webpack installed locally in your project:

./node_modules/.bin/webpack -p demo.js --output dist/webpack-bundle.js

Then, add <script src=""></script> to your HTML.

The above command would be sufficient, but of course, you can use a webpack.config.js configuration file.

With Parcel

First, write your code using an ES6 import:

import FormChangeTracker from '@bluem/form-change-tracker';

Then, assuming you have Parcel installed locally in your project:

./node_modules/.bin/parcel build --public-url /dist demo.js

This will write generated files to directory “dist” in the working directory.


The most simple invocation is:

new FormChangeTracker();

This will invoke FormChangeTracker with the default options, which is equivalent to …

new FormChangeTracker({
  selector: 'form',
  classname: 'control-changed',
  confirm: function (callback) {
    if (confirm('Are you sure you want to reset the form and lose unsaved changes?')) {

The options are:

The confirm property is built this way to make it easy to use some external function or library for this. For instance, this would be the code for integrating SweetAlert:

new FormChangeTracker({
  confirm: function(confirmationCallback) {
        title: "Are you sure?",
        text: "Your unsaved changes will be lost.",
        type: "warning",
        showCancelButton: true,
        confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55",
        confirmButtonText: "Go ahead",
        closeOnConfirm: true
      function () {'Reset');


As the library is simple, highly browser-oriented and easy to test manually, I chose to remove the tests I had for the 0.* versions. Which means that there are no automated tests of any kind.


MIT License

Version History

1.2 (2019-08-31)

1.1 (2019-08-25)

1.0 (2018-11-03)

0.5.1 (2017-06-21)