BlueMasters / thymio-captain

a complete system to program/control Thymio robots with a tablet (great for workshops with kids)
Apache License 2.0
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TODO: badges


Thymio Captain is a complete system offering an easy drag-and-drop web interface (optimized for tablets) to execute programs wirelessly on Thymio robots.


TODO: authors

This system was developed for the "Portes Ouvertes" of the HEIA-Fr on March 2016, in order for the kids to quickly and effortlessly have a feel of how great programming a robot is. Tabletts were at the kids' disposal, as well as four Thymio.

We created a course made of black lines (the road) and obstacles that the robots should follow/avoid in order to grab a basket of candies and make their way back. Upon success, kids would win the candies.


The thymio captain is a complete system consisting of the following parts:

Overview in action


interface gif



Technical overview


The frontend is an AngularJS 1.5 web application. The angularjs code can be found under frontend/webapp/ajs. Note that the html page templates are under frontend/webapp/internal_pages.



Jacques: cards, security, db


Damien: folders in repo, install and limitations

Status and futur works

(reference on issues)