BlueStaggo / MCDiverge

Minecraft Diverge, a Minecraft Alpha 1.1.2_01 mod that takes the game towards a different direction.
MIT License
88 stars 1 forks source link

Minecraft Diverge is a Minecraft Alpha v1.1.2_01 mod that takes the game towards a different direction. Explore the new biomes, experiment with magic items and explore in a version of Minecraft, diverged! It provides fresh new world generation, extra content for the late game and plenty of tweaks.

For guidance with installing this mod, check out the INSTALLATION document. If you want to create mods for Diverge, check out the MODDING guide.

This is the Github repository for Minecraft Diverge, where users can submit issues and download new versions. The source code for Minecraft Diverge is partially available in the form of patch files from RetroMCP-Java.

Why don't you check out Minecraft Diverge's sister project, Authentic Adventure?


Trailer (Youtube)
