BoChengHuang / Bluemix_RR_Nodejs

Bluemix API of Retrieve and rank in Node.js
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Bluemix API of retrieve and rank in Node.js

Node.js 4.4.5 Platforms OS X | Windows | Linux |

What is this repository for?


  1. Apply a Bluemix account.
  2. Be familiar with Nodejs fundamentation.

Stage One - Set up service

  1. Log in at Bluemix website.
  2. Go to catalog and find the R&R service.
  3. Type a unique name for the service instance in the Service name field. Leave the default values for the other options.
  4. In your Service Credentials, bear in mind your username and password.

Stage Two - Create, train and rank a classifier

  1. Go to Nodejs SDK from Github page which is developed by IBM.
  2. Open get started [page[( to download some resources.
  3. Install node-nodule:$ npm install watson-developer-cloud --save

How do I get set up?

  1. Read IBM Watson Developer Cloud to know concept and flow. Sign up/in on Bluemix and crate a Retreive and Rank service with usr/pwd

  2. Install nodejs on your computer:

  3. Oepn your Terminal/Command Line Tool.

  4. go to Project Path: cd /path

  5. Install modeules: npm install (if you encouter permission problems: sudo npm install)

  6. Main functions are all implement in Solrcluster.js file.

    • Create Cluster.
    • Create collection.
    • Upload configuration.
    • Upload Documents.
    • Upload Training data and create Ranker.
    • Search and rerank.
    • Get information about configuration/cluster/rank.
  7. Enjoy it (Ask something).

  8. Remember Close the sever by Ctl+c

How to run program

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