BobAtchley / weewx-ws6in1

weewx driver for the 6 in 1 PC weather station clones
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Restarting WeeWX may cause spikes in data? #4

Closed ArendPWS closed 3 years ago

ArendPWS commented 3 years ago

This could be related to issues #2 and #3?

I noticed this for some time now, but could not work out what might be the cause. In the graph below there is a small spike just after midnight. This is the moment when a cronjob runs a script that stops WeeWX, downloads the contents of the console, checks the number of entries in memory, creates a backup of this console-data and then restarts WeeWX. But there are also two big downward pointing temperature spikes. They must have occured when restarting WeeWX because of all the testing I did today. Until now I haven't been able to force the error(spikes) to occur with different configuration options (record_generation: hardware/software) and restarts. I am going to configure weewx.conf now with these settings:

[StdArchive] record_generation = software (was hardware) no_catchup = True (just found out today about this option)

And let it run for some time/days and will check if the spikes popup again at some point.

My configuration at the moment is:

Driver: WS6in1 0.8 WeeWX version: 4.1.1 Belchertown Skin Version: 1.2rc2


BobAtchley commented 3 years ago

I would say this is definitely related to issue #3. The temperature is the temperature from 2 hours before due to the time difference between the console and the actual time

BobAtchley commented 3 years ago

This was caused by the driver not taking into account local time when back filling and is now fixed (0.9). There will still be a problem when Summer time ends/begins unless the local device is set not to use summertime.