BobAtchley / weewx-ws6in1

weewx driver for the 6 in 1 PC weather station clones
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 6 forks source link


The weewx-ws6in1 driver supports weather stations that are believed to be manufactured by CCL Electronics - That use a particular console that connects to PCs

These are rebadged and sold as clones by multiple outlets. The ones known to work with this driver are listed below:

The weewx driver for the 6 in 1 PC weather station clones: Youshiko YC9388 Bresser PC 6 in 1 - 7002570 Garni 935PC Ventus W835

It also supports 5 in 1 PC weather stations: Bresser PC 5 in 1 - 7002571 Logia 5-in-1 PC - LOWSB510PB

NB: This driver is not compatible with the WiFi versions of these 6 in 1 weatherstations. It is still possible to use weewx using a Software Defined Radio (SDR) - search for SDR in the weewx wiki or Interceptor.


weewx v5 is no longer backwardly compatible with python2.x, so the weewx-ws6in1 driver no longer supports python2 (i.e. it is only compatible wth weewx versions 4.x and 5.x)

The weewx utilities have changed between weewx v4 and weewx v5, for steps 3 and 4 use the utility depending on the version of weewx you have installed.

The installation instructions assume a debian compatible linux distribution. Replace any 'apt' commands with your distributions equivalent (e.g. yum for red hat etc)

0) install weewx (see the weewx user guide)

1) install required usb libraries pyusb, crcmod and datetime

python3 -m pip install pyusb python3 -m pip install crcmod python3 -m pip install datetime

Note: if pip is not installed then install it first (e.g. sudo apt install python3-pip on a debian based linux distribution)

Some users have found it necessary to additionally install the crcmod from the repository:

sudo apt install python3-crcmod

2) download the WS6in1 driver

wget -O

3) install the driver

weewx v4.x: wee_extension --install weewx v5.x: weectl extension install

4) configure the driver

weewx v4.x: wee_config --reconfigure weewx v5.x: weectl station reconfigure

Select the 0) option for WS6in1

5) Add optional parameters if required Edit your weewx.conf file to add the model and wsType parameters if these are required (see below "Driver Options").

6) start weewx

sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start

[ or if using systemd: sudo systemctl start weewx sudo systemctl enable weewx ]

Driver options


mandatory location of the driver

driver = user.ws6in1

# optional parameters with default values if not set
model = WS6in1
wsType = WS6in1

Both model and wsType are optional.

'model' can be used to desribe the weatherstation model e.g. model = "Garni 935PC" 'wsType' is ignored unless it is set to "WS5in1" which will cause the UV packet to be suppressed (the WS5in1 has no UV sensor, the console by default gives a misleading value of 0)



This is a standalone program written in python3 that also gets installed into the weewx/bin/user area. It has no arguments. It needs to run with sudo unless the local user has usb permissions:

$ sudo ./csv_ws6in1 or $ sudo python3 ./csv_ws6in1

When run from the command line it downloads the data from the WS6in1 console and creates 2 files: ws6in1.csv ws6in1.raw

These can be used for analysis, debugging, etc weewx should be stopped before this is used and restarted afterwards.


Additional Notes

The Archive_Interval in the weewx.conf section "[StdArchive]" controls how often data is written to the database. Default is 300 seconds. If the console data logger is not set to 5 minutes you may want to consider changing this to the logger setting (but in seconds).

It is recommended you change your weather station console Data Log interval to '5' minutes. Please note this means after 50 days the weather station data log will be full and it will no longer record data, so it is essential you regularly clear the console data log (best practice would be after a successful weewx database backup). This can only be done at the weather station console.

HeatIndex provided by the console is calculated differently to the HeatIndex calculated by weewx. If the weewx calculation is preferred then the weewx.conf file should be modified like this:

[StdWXCalculate] [[Calculations]] heatindex = software

Rainrate on the console uses a sliding window of an hour to perform the calculation as opposed to WeeWX which uses a sliding window of 900 seconds (15 minutes). After WeeWX has performed its calculation, the result is scaled to an hour. This can make a big difference to the calculated rainrate. If the weewx calculation is prefered then the weewx.conf file should be modified like this:

[StdWXCalculate] [[Calculations]] rainRate = software

I now set the heatindex, rainRate and windchill to 'software' so that these are compatible with the majority of other weather stations, but this is user choice.

Weewx is backfilling lost values even if record_generation is set to 'software' If you do not want the backfill update the weewx.conf file with:

[StdArchive] no_catchup = True

Known Issues

If weewx is started after clearing the data log on the console then timeout errors might occur when there are no entries in the log. The only cure found so far is to wait for the console to have one item in its data log and then re-start weewx. Note if weewx is already running it does not appear to cause any problems to clear the data log buffer.

The console uses local time (passed to it from the WS6in1 driver). This is good in that the console will display the correct time, but bad because it uses this time to store its data in the console. The driver will correct for this local time difference when backfilling. However if Summertime is being used on the device this will cause problems when the clocks change. There are currently 2 options 1) live with the issue - probability of the backlog being needed (i.e. server failure) when the clocks change is very low 2) Disable summertime on the device weewx is running on


If requested I may update time to the console to use UTC + fixed time zone. This would mean the local device could use Summertime correction but the console would use a fixed time (so would display 1 hour out for half the year). This would eliminate the clock change problem.