BobanSpasic / MDX_PerfConv

MiniDexed performance converter - convert TX7, DX7II, DX5 etc. function and performance banks into MiniDexed format
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MDX_PerfConv Build and Release

MiniDexed performance converter - convert TX7, DX7II, DX5 etc. function and performance banks into MiniDexed format


  Parameters (short and long form):
       -h               --help                 This help message
       -i               --info                 Information
       -c               --convert              Convert to MiniDexed INI file
       -v               --verbose              Detailed info

       -a (filename)    --voiceA1=(filename)   Path to voice bank A1
       -b (filename)    --voiceB1=(filename)   Path to voice bank B1
       -A (filename)    --voiceA2=(filename)   Path to voice bank A2
       -B (filename)    --voiceB2=(filename)   Path to voice bank B2
       -p (filename)    --perf=(filename)      Path to performance file
       -n (number)      --numbering=(number)   First number for filenames
                                               of the output performances
       -o (path)        --output=(path)        Output directory
       -s (filename)    --settings=(filename)  Use settings file (see separate doc.)

       -e (filename)    --extract=(filename)   Extract data from libraries (see separate doc.)

       -r (path)        --renumber=(path)      Re-number the performance INI files in a directory
                                               To be used in combination with -n

Parameters are CASE-SENSITIVE

Example usage:

    Get info from any kind of supported files:
       MDX_PerfConv -i -a VoiceBank.syx

    Get info from max. 5 supported files:
       MDX_PerfConv -i -a VoiceBankA.syx -b VoiceBankB.syx -p Performance.syx

    Convert a TX7 bank (VMEM + PMEM):
       MDX_PerfConv -c -a my_TX7_file.syx

    Convert a DX7II bank (VMEM + AMEM):
       MDX_PerfConv -c -a my_DX7II_file.syx

    Convert a DX7II bank set:
       MDX_PerfConv -c -a DX7II_BankA(1-32).syx -b DX7II_BankB(33-64).syx -p DX7II_Perf.syx

    Convert a DX1/DX5 bank set:
       MDX_PerfConv -c -a DX5_BankA1.syx -b DX5_BankB1.syx -A DX5_BankA2.syx -B DX_BankB2.syx -p DX5_Performance.syx

    Parameters in long form:
       MDX_PerfConv --info --voiceA1=VoiceBank.syx

About the output files: