Boehringer-Ingelheim / stain-transfer

Comparative evaluation of image-to-image translation methods for stain transfer in histopathology
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Image-to-image translation methods for stain transfer in histopathology

This repository accompanies Zingman et al. A comparative evaluation of image-to-image translation methods for stain transfer in histopathology (MIDL, 2023). The paper analyses strengths and weaknesses of image-to-image translation methods for stain transfer in histopathology, thereby allowing a rational choice of the most suitable approach.

translation H&E<->Masson Trichrome translation H&E<->Masson Trichrome translation H&E<->Masson Trichrome

Project Organization

├──                               <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── config.yaml                             <- Default yaml configuration file for inference experiments.
├── data                                    <- Directory for input data.
├── models                                  <- Trained and serialized models.
├── results                                 <- Generated images and metrics are saved here.
├── requirements.txt                        <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, e.g. generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`
├── src                                     <- Source code for use in this project.
│   │
│   ├── data_processing                     <- Data manipulation functionalities.
│   │
│   ├── modelling                           <- Model arquitectures and definitions.
│   │
│   ├── tests                               <- Tests directory.
│   │
│   └── utils                               <- Utilities used by other scripts.
├──                                 <- Main execution file, used for generating fake images and for calculating metrics.
├──                   <- Calculates FID, WD, and SSIM metrics for generated images
└──                           <- Tool for visualizing generated fake images and inspecting metrics.



Create a working environment, with e.g. conda and activate it. It is recommended not to use virtualenv as there are problems with the spams library.

Clone this repository: git clone

Install spams: conda install -c conda-forge python-spams.

Install the required modules pip install -r requirements.txt.

Getting started

Download trained models and test or validation histopathological dataset from Trained models can be saved in models/ folder, H&E stained samples and Masson's trichrome stained samples from the dataset can be saved in data/he/ and data/masson/ folders.

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

Generating artificially stained samples

All parameters for generating fakes are inside the generate key in the yaml. You will find a models key here which is for specifying what models to use, and their associated weights. If weights are not provided, then default weights for each model will be loaded, based on the a2b key which specifies the direction of domain translation. The default weights are located in the models folder and the name of each file is _modeldirection.pth where model is the name of the model in lowercase and direction is either he2mt or mt2he. For example, each of the following configuration would be using the same model and weights file:

```yaml generate: models: names: [ cyclegan ] weights: [ models/cyclegan_he2mt.pth ] a2b: true ``` ```yaml generate: models: names: [ cyclegan ] a2b: true ```

but this one uses a different weights files:

    names: [ cyclegan ]
    weights: [ retrained.pth ]
  a2b: true

You can generate fakes for a given data_path using multiple models at once:

    names: [ cyclegan, cut, munit, macenko, pix2pix, vahadane ]
  a2b: true
  data_path: data/processed/HE/

Available models are:

Different inference modes

For munit, drit, colorstat, macenko and vahadane there are different inference configurations available.

For munit and drit (the higher the number the higher the precedence):

  1. The default mode is to generate a random style/attribute tensor (munit/drit) and use it when translating between domains.
  2. Instead of a random style/attribute tensor (munit/drit), you can provide a specific precomputed one by setting the path to such tensor in the target_tensor key. This precomputed tensor can be for example, the average style/attribute of all images in the target domain.
  3. You can also compute style/attribute tensors (munit/drit) on the fly for a given set of images by providing the path to the images in target_path. The number of target images used for each translation will be the same as batch_size.

For colorstat, macenko and vahadane (the higher the number the higher the precedence):

  1. The default mode is to use default "weights". These "weights" are actually tensors representing averages of all images in our training set for each domain. These averages are:
    1. means and standard deviations for colorstat
    2. stain matrix and 99th percentile of concentration matrix for macenko
    3. stain matrix and 99th percentile of concentration matrix for vahadane
  2. By providing the path to a specific precomputed tensor in the target_tensor key.
  3. By computing average means and standard deviations or stain matrices and corresponding 99th percentiles of concentration matrices on the fly for a give set of images by providing the path to the images in target_path and the number of images to be considered in each translation in target_samples.

You can use inference modes 1. and 3. (default mode and computing tensors on the fly) with multiple of these models, and other models, from a single configuration:

    names: [ cyclegan, cut, munit, macenko, pix2pix, vahadane ]
  a2b: true
  data_path: data/processed/HE/
  target_path: data/processed/masson_trichrome
  target_samples: 2

If you are using inference mode 2. (precomputed tensors) for any of these models, then you can't generate fakes at once from one single configuration file that includes any two of these models. The configuration on left is wrong, since this target tensor is a style tensor for munit, and would fail for macenko and vahadane. The one on the right is valid.

```yaml generate: models: names: [ cut, munit, macenko, pix2pix, vahadane ] a2b: true data_path: data/processed/HE/ target_tensor: precomputed_munit_style_tensor.pth ``` ```yaml generate: models: names: [ cut, munit, pix2pix ] a2b: true data_path: data/processed/HE/ target_tensor: precomputed_munit_style_tensor.pth ```

Precomputing average tensors

There is also the option to precompute average tensors for all images in a given path. To do so, specify one of the following models in the configuration yaml:

Computed average tensors will be saved in _results/avtensors folder if no results_path is provided in the configuration. Each model will have its own sub-folder with computed tensors. The computed tensors can then be set as target_tensor when generating fakes.

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

Computing SSIM, FID, WD metrics

Use to compute the metrics, e.g.:

python --real_source data/he/ --real_target data/masson/ --fakes results/masson_fake/ --device 0

Provide the following required arguments:

A csv with SSIM, FID and WD will be generated.


Performance of different Image-to-Image translation methods on validation dataset (please, see the details in A comparative evaluation of image-to-image translation methods for stain transfer in histopathology).

Model FID $\downarrow$ WD $\times 10^4$ $\downarrow$ SSIM $\uparrow$
CycleGAN 16.33 1.46 0.951
CUT 17.10 1.60 0.914
MUNIT 19.20 1.61 0.871
StainGAN 19.59 3.27 0.952
UNIT 20.23 2.54 0.940
UTOM 20.64 2.32 0.952
DRIT 22.83 2.06 0.915
Pix2Pix 48.47 8.42 0.998
StainNet 50.49 11.41 0.972
ColorStat 62.13 9.60 0.974
Macenko 70.39 12.90 0.926
Vahadane 76.55 15.14 0.911


  title={A comparative evaluation of image-to-image translation methods for stain transfer in histopathology},
  author={Zingman, Igor and Frayle, Sergio and Tankoyeu, Ivan and Sukhanov, Sergey and Heinemann, Fabian},
  booktitle={Medical Imaging with Deep Learning},