BogdanOtava / CS50x

My notes & solutions for CS50x 2022-2023.
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c-language computer-science cs50 cs50course cs50problemsets cs50x databases flask html-css-javascript notes python sql sql-query webapp

:label: About CS50

CS50 is an online introductory course on computer science and programming. It teaches the languages C, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS & JavaScript, as well as fundamental computer science concepts such as algorithms & data structures, abstraction, encapsulation, resource management, security, and the Flask web framework.

:computer: About the Repository

An important part of the course, it's submitting the labs and problem sets, as well as the final project for feedback. This repository contains the solutions I've come up with for the problem sets and labs. The final project is in a separate repository, the link is below.

Also down below are links and short descriptions for each of the projects. If you'd like to read more about the implementation requirements, there's a link in each folder that will lead to them.

:closed_book: Academic Honesty

Keep in mind the course's academic honesty. You should try figuring out a solution yourself before looking at other implementations. Also, bear in mind that I am a beginner, I've taken the course to learn, so the solutions might not be the best implementations.

:book: Content

:arrow_forward: Notes


:arrow_forward: Week 1 - C


:arrow_forward: Week 2 - Arrays


:arrow_forward: Week 3 - Algorithms


:arrow_forward: Week 4 - Memory


:arrow_forward: Week 5 - Data Structures


:arrow_forward: Week 6 - Python


:arrow_forward: Week 7 - SQL


:arrow_forward: Week 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Bootstrap

:arrow_forward: Week 9 - Flask

Python Flask SQLite HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Bootstrap

:arrow_forward: Final Project

:arrow_forward: Scratch

:books: Credits

First of all, a huge thank you to Prof. David J. Malan and the rest of the CS50 staff for giving us this free learning opportunity. I thoroughly recommend the CS50 course for anyone who wants to get into or improve their skills in the Computer Science field.

If you'd like to know more about CS50, I'll leave a few link down below.