Bogdanp / dramatiq_dashboard

A dashboard for dramatiq, specific to its Redis broker.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
148 stars 25 forks source link
python redis task-manager task-runner task-scheduler


A dashboard for dramatiq, specific to its Redis broker (sorry RabbitMQ users!). Very alpha stuff.

It comes in the form of a WSGI middleware, with as few dependencies as possible (dramatiq, jinja2 and redis) so it's super easy to plug into whatever web application you have.



pip install dramatiq_dashboard


Run the dashboard on top of an existing WSGI app

# Assuming at some point you instantiate your app.
app = create_wsgi_application()

# Import the library, create the middleware and wrap your app with it.
import dramatiq_dashboard

dashboard_middleware = dramatiq_dashboard.make_wsgi_middleware("/drama")
app = dashboard_middleware(app)

Run your app, visit /drama and you should see the dashboard.

Run the dashboard as a standalone webserver

If you don't want to wrap an existing WSGI app, you can also run the dashboard as a standalone server. Install the WSGI server of your choice (e.g. uWSGi, gunicorn, bjoern, etc), setup the Redis broker, and then start DashboardApp directly.

For example, to serve the dashboard on using the bjoern WSGI server and a redis server on, run the following:

import bjoern
import dramatiq
from dramatiq.brokers.redis import RedisBroker
from dramatiq_dashboard import DashboardApp

broker = RedisBroker(host="", port=6379)
app = DashboardApp(broker=broker, prefix=""), "", 8080)

Then visit to see the running dashboard.

Note that if you use custom queues in your application, they won't be discovered using this approach. You'll have to either add each one of them manually to your broker or import and pass your application's broker to DashboardApp.


dramatiq_dashboard is licensed under the LGPL. Please see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for licensing details.