Boipuso / RStoolboxExtensions

Functions to Pre- and Postprocess Supervised Classifications
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This package offers functions to automise pre-processing steps needed to conduct unsupervised classifications with the “superClass()” function of the RStoolbox package. Additionally, post-processing functions to export landcover classes as (multi-)polygons and to mask, crop and export a raster to the respective landcover classes of the (multi-)polygons are included.


You can install the development version of RStoolboxExtensions like so:



This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem. Let’s say we want to conduct a supervised classification to map landcover change. The functions integrated in this package allow for fast pre-processing of the raster(s) and the training features. For this example we use the sample data of this package for the Sebangau Nationalpark in Borneo. You can use the sample_read functions to load the sample data from this package. The help documents of the sample_read functions provide everything you need to know abou the sample data and how to access it.

# load the package

# retrieve the sample raster data from the package
# the sample data consists of 2 rasters of the Sebangau Nationalpark in Borneo from the years 2015 #and 2023 and training points for change detection analyses.
 Sebangau15 <- system.file("extdata", "Sebangau15.tif", package = "RStoolboxExtensions")
 Sebangau15 <- rast_sample_read(Sebangau15)
 Sebangau23 <- system.file("extdata", "Sebangau23.tif", package = "RStoolboxExtensions")
 Sebangau23 <- rast_sample_read(Sebangau23)

 # read sample sf file of the RStoolboxExtensions package
 trainPolygons <- system.file("extdata", "trainPolygons.geojson", package = "RStoolboxExtensions")
 trainPolygons <- sf_sample_read(trainPolygons)
#> Reading layer `trainPolygons' from data source 
#>   `C:\Users\henni\AppData\Local\R\win-library\4.3\RStoolboxExtensions\extdata\trainPolygons.geojson' 
#>   using driver `GeoJSON'
#> Simple feature collection with 80 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 113.4024 ymin: -2.702268 xmax: 113.4924 ymax: -2.625239
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Make sure you know which sensor your raster(s) originate from and which column in your training features stores the information of the class assignment.

# check the colnames of the training features
#> [1] "id"        "landcover" "geometry"

It’s a good idea to change the landcover the descriptions to meaningful characters.

# reassigning the landcover values to be a character description of the class instead of numerical values
  landcover <- c('forest','nonforest','afforestation','deforestation')
  trainPolygons$landcover <- landcover[trainPolygons$landcover]

You can now use the ‘auto_superClass()’ function to automate the raster and feature pre-processing. Raster pre-processing options include subsetting to relevant bands for classification, indices calculation, and inclusion of a second raster to do conduct a change detection classification (given according training features). The function works for both training points or polygons and adjust their object class and CRS for the classification. The classification itself is conducted via the superClass() function from the RStoolbox or the slightly adjusted points_superClass() function from this package (depending on the geometry type of the training features). Make sure to check whether the training features and the raster(s) cover the same area and check your preferred settings.

# it's good practice to set a seed for reproducability

# specify your input features
# here we choose that we do want to rename and subset the bands (renaming the bands is prerequisite #for calculating indices) and also we want to calculate the indices NDVI and NDWI to improve our #classification results
asC <- auto_superClass(img = Sebangau15, 
                       img2 = Sebangau23, 
                       train_features = trainPolygons,
                       responseCol = "landcover", 
                       rename_bands = TRUE, 
                       subsetting = TRUE, 
                       sensor = "Landsat8", 
                       calc_indices = TRUE, 
                       indices = c("ndvi", "savi"),
                       L = 0.5,
                       trainPartition = 0.66
#> Warning: Paket 'caret' wurde unter R Version 4.3.2 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'ggplot2' wurde unter R Version 4.3.3 erstellt

You should receive an output list containing 4 elements including the classified raster, the model accuracy, as well as the pre-processed raster(s) and features. You can access them from the generated output list.

# retrieve the outputs
accuracy <- asC$modelFit
class_img <- asC$superClass_img
pp_features <- asC$pp_features
pp_raster <- asC$pp_raster

Let’s plot the classified raster.


And check the validation of the model to make sure the results are sensible.

#> [[1]]
#>   TrainAccuracy TrainKappa method
#> 1     0.9658384  0.9456681     rf
#> [[2]]
#> Cross-Validated (5 fold) Confusion Matrix 
#> (entries are average cell counts across resamples)
#>                Reference
#> Prediction      afforestation deforestation forest nonforest
#>   afforestation          46.2           1.0    0.0       0.0
#>   deforestation           1.0          10.8    0.0       0.0
#>   forest                  0.0           0.0   35.0       1.2
#>   nonforest               0.0           0.0    0.2       4.2
#>  Accuracy (average) : 0.9659

You can also check whether your raster was truly subsetted by calling the names of the raster. It will now contain 2 layers for every band, because sebangau15 and Sebangau23 were stacked by the auto_superClass() function.

#>  [1] "Blue"    "Green"   "Red"     "NIR"     "SWIR1"   "SWIR2"   "NDVI"   
#>  [8] "SAVI"    "Blue_2"  "Green_2" "Red_2"   "NIR_2"   "SWIR1_2" "SWIR2_2"
#> [15] "NDVI_2"  "SAVI_2"

Let’s verify whether the indices were calculated correctly by plotting the NDVI


When you are happy with the results, you can extract your landcover classes as (multi-)polygons and optionally store them locally for further processing in another software using the extr_polygons() function. Make sure to specify saveLoc = TRUE to export the output polygons.

polygon_list <- extr_polygons(class_img, saveLoc = FALSE, datatype = "gpkg", out_dir = "myPolygons")

Let’s plot a polygon layer to validate the results.


You can further use the extr_rasters() function to crop and mask a raster to the (multi-)polygon list you received from extr_polygons(). The output will be cropped and masked rasters for every list entry of the (multi-)polygon list and optionally exported to a directory of your choice. Again, choose saveLoc = TRUE for exporting.

masked_rasters <- extr_rasters(Sebangau15, polygon_list, saveLoc = FALSE, datatype = "tif", out_dir = "myRasters")

Let’s plot a polygon layer to validate the results.
