BojoteX / GetFP

Simple utility to fetch MSFS Flight Plan from Simbrief with custom starting location (e.g Gate or Ramp)
MIT License
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GetFP - Custom starting GATE for Simbrief

Flight Plan Remarks


GetFP is a simple utility tool designed to streamline the process of downloading your Simbrief most recent MSFS flight plan directly into Microsoft Flight Simulator. It simplifies the workflow for sim pilots who would like to start from a custom GATE or PARKING stand. Just include the GATE number in the Simbrief Flight Plan remarks and the utility will automatically create a .PLN file with the custom start location. for GATES simply use GATE D42 or GATE D 42 in a single line. For PARKING you'll use PARKING XX or PARKING YY where XX or YY are the numbers that correspond to the actual parking location. Same applies to GATES. You'll need to know the GATE number (or LETTER + NUMBER) you want to start from.


You can download the source and run the Python script or simply download the release version (.exe)

[!WARNING] Its possible you get a virus warning when downloading the .exe file, in that case I suggest you download the sources or execute the Python (.py) script directly.


When running for the first time the application will request your Simbrief Alias (Username) so it can fetch the latest Flight Plan. You can find your Alias in the Account Settings menu option of your Simbrief page. Once the initial fetch is succesful, a configuration .ini file will be created using the following format:

simbriefuser = YOUR_USERNAME  # Your Simbrief username. (Located in Simbrief Account settings menu option 
filename = LAST.PLN           # This is the name of the .PLN file that will be created.
include_sid_star = 1          # Flight Plan downloaded from Simbrief can include SID/STAR or simply waypoints. 
delete_customflight = 0       # Removes the MISSIONS/Custom folder when you run the utility and set this to 1.

The location of the .INI file is %appdata%\GetFP\GetFP.ini