Social Bookmarks for Lone Wolves
There is a famous social-bookmarking service, who had seen better days. This is an attempt to get independent of it, however remaining in sync.
Bookmarks works like that: Store your bookmarks. Display them to the world, if you want.
F E A T U R E S :
U S I N G A S D R O P - I N F O R D E L I C I O U S :
In your Delicious bookmarklet change the URI from "" to "http://your.domain/install/path/save" (note the "save"). In the config file make sure to have these lines included:
'plugins' => array(
'active' => array(
'delicious' => array(
'auth' => base64_encode('delicious_username:delicious_password'),
'sync' => True,
Ready! Your bookmarks are now saved locally, but always synchronized with Delicious.
L I C E N S E :
Double-licensed under terms of the GPL v3 and an MIT-style license. Please note, that this does not apply to the LightOpenID library, which is published under the MIT License alone.
T O D O :