BolttCoin / SmartContract

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Boltt smart contract

Dual Blockchain (Block swap)

Boltt smart contract is offering a special feature where the tokens are available on two block chains Waves and Ethereum together and user can swap their tokens between the two blockchains seemlesly with the help of investors dashboard back and forth.

How to manage contract

To start working with contract you should follow next steps:

Compile it in Remix with enamble optimization flag and compiler 0.4.19 Deploy bytecode with MyEtherWallet. Gas 5100000 (actually 5073514). Call 'deploy' function on addres from (3). Gas 4000000 (actually 3979551).

Investor must not use other wallets, coinmarkets or stocks. Can lose money.

Token counts. Maximum tokens can mint - 100 000 000 BOLTT.

Smart contract important segment description.

Boltt token uses ERC20 standards and we have some other function to perfectly and smoothly run crowdsale and deal with dual blockchain system, important functionality is described below.


Approve _value amount tokens for the spender.


Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.


Decrease approve _value amount tokens for the spender.


Set the contract that can call release and make the token transferable.


Owner can allow a particular address (a crowdsale contract) to transfer tokens despite the lock up period.


Allow the token holder to upgrade some of their tokens to a new contract.


Set an upgrade agent that handles.


Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.


Set agent who can transfer during sale.


transder token to other account


Transfer tokens from other account based on decreaseApproval


Check the approved tokens from the account


Check the balance of an account


Check the total supply of the tokens


MoveToWaves function is functino we deal with our dual blockchain. This function is used to tranfer the tokens of the user from ethereum to waves blockchain.


Allow upgrade agent functionality kick in only if the crowdsale was success.