This repository provides the solution for Bonita getting started.
This example has been built with Bonita 2023.2 Community Edition.
It is compatible with all Bonita editions (Community and Enterprise). It should remain compatible with any future releases.
You can get the .bos file from the release section on GitHub. This .bos file includes:
To import the solution in Bonita Studio:
WARNING: When you import claims-management.bos in your Studio, if some artifacts (BDM, diagrams...) with identical names already exsit, Studio will ask you if you want to override them. To avoid that, you probably want to import the bos file content to a new project. {: .note}
NOTE: alternatively you can clone this repository using Git integration. {: .note}
Click on File > Deploy Bonita Studio menu to deploy all artifacts and open the Claims management application or the Bonita user home page. For more details refer to Bonita getting started.
:warning: There is a known limitation that prevent the usage of a Github action to perform the release automatically.
Maintainer of the project can use the maven-release-plugin
to publish a new release for this project.
branch and run: mvn --batch-mode release:prepare -D releaseVersion=x.y.z -D developmentVersion=a.b.c-SNAPSHOT
As a result a new tag should be pushed. You must now create a Github release from this tag and attached the generated .bos in the target
Use GitHub issue tracker to report issues.
If you follow the Bonita getting started you should end up with a workspace just like the content of this Git repository.