BookOps-CAT / NightShift

Copy cataloging bot
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Sierra state check #7

Closed klinga closed 2 years ago

klinga commented 2 years ago

This is another building block in the process. The comms.sierra_search_platform module handles communication with NYPL Platform and BPL Solr to check record status. The goal is to weed out fully cataloged records (upgrade not needed anymore) and deleted bibs. Since there are gaps between querying WorldCat second or third time such feature is needed, especially for print materials that may be quickly processed by BookOps. The module uses two external wrappers created earlier: bookops-bpl-solr and bookops-nypl-platform. Their functionality is very similar to bookops-worldcat. On the NYPL side, the wrapper automatically refreshes the access token.

Additionally, I split tests into unit and integration (per your advise). One new test in the integration\ checks integration between, marc.marc_parser, datastore, and datastore_transactions. It revealed some bugs that needed changes to some of these modules (cool!).

There are sill some leftover tests in unit directory that probably should be moved to the integration section. I will review them in one of the next PRs. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions!!!