BookOps-CAT / NightShift

Copy cataloging bot
MIT License
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tests Coverage Status Code style: black License: MIT


NightShift is a copy cataloging bot. It processes exported from ILS/Sierra bibliographic and order data, searches WorldCat for full bib matches, and produces enriched this way MARC21 records that are used to replace initial vendor or brief bibs in the catalog database.


At the moment, NightShift is capable of enhancement of OverDrive MarcExpress records only. The bot utilizes WorldCat Metadata API to query and obtain full MARC XML records from WorldCat. Enriched records are output to a SFTP/network drive from where they can be accessed to be loaded back to Sierra.

More info:

Sierra Scheduler configuration | WorldCat record matching | Record manipulation | Sierra loading instructions



Local Installation & Usage


  1. PostgresSQL
    1. download and install PostgreSQL server
    2. create new database
  2. Create a configuration file. Follow nightshift/config/config.yaml.example to provide all required credentials
    • WorldCat Metadata API
    • credentials for BPL and NYPL
      • NYPL Platform credentials
      • BPL Solr credentials (request from BPL Web Applications)
    • NYPL loggly token (NYPL ITG)
    • SFTP credentials (NYPL ITG)
  3. Export Sierra brief bibs for enhancement
    1. use 'Output Order Records (pur)' for NYPL and 'Archive Order Records (pur)' for BPL process to compile a list of records into a proper format
    2. use 'Output MARC Records (out)' process to extract bibs from Sierra and save them locally
    3. rename files to include library code ("BPL" or "NYP") and 'pout' suffix, example: 'NYP-MarcExpress-pout-220129.out'
  4. Drop exported files to the shared drive folder: R:/NSDROP/sierra_dumps/nightshift/


NightShift must be initiated before it is run for the first time. This process creates proper database schema and populates tables with required data. To instate the application use the following command:

python nightshift/ init local


The bot and its main process can be launched manually by entering following command in the terminal:

python nightshift/ run local

This process can also be automated using cron/scheduled job on system where it runs.

On launch, Nightshift accesses SFTP/shared drive folder (R:/NSDROP/sierra_dumps/nightshift/) and discovers any new MARC21 files. MARC records are parsed from each file and the bot queries WorldCat database to find suitable matches.

Next, previously ingested records that have not been successfully enhanced (no suitable match in WorldCat) are queried against Sierra to discover any changes to their status. Upgraded by catalogers or deleted bibs are no longer considered in the following process. If Sierra brief bibs are still in need of enhancement, the bot searches WorldCat for full records again. Processing of older records follow specific to each resource category schedule outlined in nightshift.constants.RESOURCE_CATEGORIES dictionary (query_days).

If a good match in WorldCat has been found, the bot manipulates the downloaded full record by supplying a call number, deleting specified tags, merging fields from original Sierra bib with WorldCat record, etc. An enhanced in this way record is serialized to MARC21 format and saved to SFTP/shared drive (R:/NSDROP/load/) directory and can be loaded to Sierra. Enhanced records overlay original existing brief bibs in Sierra.

If for any reason the execution of the routine is interrupted (API error, etc.), the process can be restarted using run [local, prod] command again. The bot will pick up exactly where it left.


0.6.0 - 2024-03-28


0.4.0 - 2023-04-10


0.3.0 - 2023-04-05


0.2.0 - 2022-08-16
