Nustack is a stack-oriented concatenative programming language with support for high-level modular programming and Python integration. For an excellent introduction to concatenative programming, please see
Run pip install nustack
Nustak has been tested on Pythons 3.2-3.5, 3.6-nightly, and PyPy3 but should also work Python 3.1
To run a Nustack program, just run the following command line: nustack path/to/
starts the Nustack interactive prompt.
For a full lists of options, run nustack -h
Currently, there is little documentation for Nustack, but I am working on it. For now, create an issue with your questions, ask on gitter, or post them in the Nustack Scratch forum topic
Here is an example Nustack program:
/* examples/ */
`std::IO importext
`std::Time importext
`std::Control importext /* Import the IO, Time and Control modules */
'file.txt' "r" IO::open IO::readall IO::close /*Open, read, and close the file 'file.txt' */
show /*Show the contents of the file*/
{ "spam" show /*Print spam*/
1 Time::sleep /*Pause for 1 second*/
} `spam define
{ spam } Control::forever
Here is a more complex example that draws a tree using the Turtle module:
/* - A recursive tree drawn with turtle graphics. */
/* Import the Seq and Turtle modules */
`Seq import `Turtle import*
/* Set up the turtle and the states list */
Turtle `t define
[] `states define
/* Save the turtle's current state */
{`tcopy def [tcopy get.pos rot get.dir swap drop] states swap Seq::append tcopy} `save.state define
/* Set the turtle's state to the last one saved */
{`tcopy def states Seq::pop `newstate def
tcopy pu
tcopy newstate 0 Seq::nth newstate 1 Seq::nth set.pos
tcopy newstate 2 Seq::nth set.dir
tcopy pd
} `pop.state define
/* Here is the tree function */
{`angle def `d def `n def `t def /* Save our arguments */
n 0 eq /* Test if we have hit the base case */
{t "#0fd268" /*green*/ pencolor 10 dot "#4f3c0c" pencolor} /* If so, draw a leaf */
{ /* Else, recursivly draw the rest of the tree */
t save.state
t n pensize
d fd
angle rt n 1 - d 0.7 * angle tree
t angle 2 * lt n 1 - d 0.7 * angle tree
t pop.state
} `tree def
/* Configure the screen */
Screen ["Nustack Turtle Graphics - Recursive Tree" 600 500] config.screen
/* Write some text */
t pu -280 200 set.pos "Recursive Tree" 20 write
/* Get the turtle ready to draw */
t pu 0 -250 set.pos 90 set.dir pd
t "#4f3c0c" /*brown*/ pencolor
hide.turtle 0 speed /* 0 speed means no animation */
/* Draw the tree. */
"Turtle" "How many iterations?" number.input `iters def
"Turtle" "What is the length of the first segment?" number.input `len def
"Turtle" "What is the branching angle?" number.input `angle def
t iters len angle tree
/* Start the turtle mainloop so that our drawing stays on the screen. */
Here is a screenshot:
Both example programs can be found in the examples directory.