Boonstra / Slideshow

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=== Slideshow ===

Contributors: stefanboonstra Donate link: Tags: responsive, slideshow, slider, slide show, images, image, photo, video, text, gallery, galleries, jquery, javascript Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.3 Stable tag: 2.3.1 License: GPLv2

Integrate a fancy slideshow in just five steps. - Rainbows. Rainbows everywhere.

== Description ==

Slideshow provides an easy way to integrate a slideshow for any WordPress installation.

Any image can be loaded into the slideshow by picking it from the WordPress media page, even images you've already uploaded can be inserted into your slideshow right away!

Fancy doing something crazy? You can create and use as many slideshows as you'd like, with different images, settings and styles for each one of them.

= Features =

= Languages =

= Project board =

Check upcoming features, bug-fixes and development progress that are currently on the Slideshow project board at: Slideshow project board -

= Need the (uncompressed) source code? =

Find the Slideshow project's source code in my GitHub repository. The uncompressed files can be compiled using Prepros, or CodeKit.

== Installation ==

  1. Install Slideshow either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.

  2. After activating Slideshow, click on 'Slideshows' and create a new slideshow.

  3. Click on 'Insert Image Slide' to insert an image slide, a popup will appear where you can search for the desired image. Insert the image by clicking 'Insert'. The same goes for text and video slides, don't forget to save!

  4. Go to a post or a page and click the 'Insert Slideshow' button above the editor. A popup appears where you can select your newly created slideshow to insert. You can also use the shortcode or code snippet visible in your slideshow admin panel to deploy your slideshow anywhere on your website. Use the widget to show any of your slideshows in the sidebar of your website.

  5. Feel like a sir.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I add image slides? =

Click the 'Image slide' button in the 'Slides List' of the slideshow. A screen will pop up where you'll be able to search though all images that have already been uploaded to your WordPress website. If you want to add new images to the slideshow, or you do not have any images yet, you'll have to upload them to the WordPress media page first.

= How do I change a slideshow's settings? =

Just like the posts and pages you're already familiar with, slideshows can be edited. Go to the 'Slideshows' tab in your WordPress admin, and you'll see a list of slideshows. If you have not created a slideshow yet, you can do so by clicking 'Add new' on that same page. If there are slideshows in the list, click on the title of the slideshow you want to change the settings of. On the slideshow's edit page you'll be able to find a box titled 'Slideshow Settings', in this box you can change the slideshow's settings.

If you're creating multiple slideshows that should have the same settings, but their settings need to be different from the default settings, you can change the default settings by going to the 'General Settings' page and clicking on the 'Default Slideshow Settings' tab. Newly created slideshows will start off with the settings you set there.

= How do I customize the slideshow's style? =

On your WordPress admin page, go to the 'Slideshows' menu item and click on 'General Settings', then go to the 'Custom styles' tab. Here you'll see a list of default stylesheets, such as 'Light' and 'Dark', and a list of custom stylesheets; The ones you created.

Choose a default stylesheet you'd like to customize and click 'Customize' to open the 'Custom style editor'. When you're done editing click 'Save Changes' and go to the slideshow you'd like to style with the newly created stylesheet. In the 'Slideshow Style' box you can now find and select your custom stylesheet. You can set a stylesheet for multiple slideshows.

If you've already created a custom stylesheet, you can edit it by clicking 'Edit'. You can also delete it by clicking 'Delete'. Be careful with this though, a deleted stylesheet cannot be retrieved and cannot be used by any slideshow anymore.

= Some users can add, edit or delete slideshows, although I do not want them to. Can I prevent this from happening? =

Yes you can. On your WordPress admin page, go to the 'Slideshows' menu item and click on 'General Settings', then go to the 'User Capabilities' tab (If you're not already there). The privileges that allow user groups to perform certain actions are listed here. To allow, for instance, a contributor to add a slideshow, click the box in front of 'Contributor' to grant him the right to add slideshows.

Note that when you grant someone the right to add or delete a slideshow, you'll also automatically grant him or her the right to edit slideshows, as this right is required to add or delete slideshows. The same is true for the reversed situation.

= The slideshow does not show up =

= Why does Internet Explorer show a big blank space above the slideshow? =

Internet Explorer is a very strict browser, so when a big blank space above your slideshow is showing your page may contain some invalid HTML. Most times invalid HTML is caused by placing the slideshow's shortcode or PHP snippet into an anchor tag (<a></a>) or paragraph tag (<p></p>), while you can only place a slideshow within a 'div' element (<div></div>).

== Screenshots ==

  1. Here's what a default slideshow can look like. Sit back, grab a beer, enjoy.

  2. Create a new slideshow. Slides and settings specific to this slideshow can be set here.

  3. If you haven't uploaded any images yet, you can do so on the WordPress media page.

  4. Click the 'Image Slide' button in the Slides List to search and pick images from the WordPress media page. Click 'Insert' to insert the image as slide.

  5. The images you selected are directly visible in your Slides List, don't forget to save!

  6. When you understand the basics of creating slideshows, you may want to go a little more in depth and have a look at the General Settings page. As seen in the image above, privileges can be granted to user roles to give users the ability to add, edit or delete slideshows.

  7. Default slideshow settings can be edited here. Slideshows that are newly created, will start out with these options.

  8. Custom styles can be added and customized here. Custom styles can be used to style one or more slideshows to your own personal taste.

== Changelog ==

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== Links ==