BotCraftHub / MystiGuardian

MystiGuardian - Your server's mystical protector and entertainment extraordinaire. Uniting moderation with fun, it ensures a secure and delightful Discord experience.
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

MystiGuardian - Your server's mystical protector and entertainment extraordinaire. Uniting moderation with fun, it ensures a secure and delightful Discord experience.

The following is required in your config.json file:

  "token": "",
  "ownerId": "",
  "githubToken": "",
  "serpAPI": {
    "apiKey": "",
    "discordChannelId": "",
    "guildId": "",
    "query": ""
  "youtube": {
    "apiKey": "",
    "channelId": "",
    "discordChannelId": "",
    "guildId": ""
  "dataSource": {
    "user": "",
    "password": "",
    "driver": "org.postgresql.Driver",
    "port": "",
    "name": "postgres",
    "host": "",
    "url": ""
  "discord-auth": {
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": ""
  "tripAdvisor": {
    "apiKey": ""
  "log": {
    "logGuildId": "",
    "logChannelId": ""

You will also need a public and private key for the bot to use for encryption. These should be placed in your home directory under the names public.key and private.key respectively.