BoulderCodeHub / Process-CRSS-Res

Repository for code used to process CRSS Results starting in April 2015
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Process CRSS Results

Repository includes code used to process CRSS results, starting in April 2015.

Code extends RWDataPlyr and relies on CRSSIO (custom R Packages) to generate the "standard" CRSS figures and tables. Required packages are:


Ensure the above packages are installed on the computer. CoRiverNF and CRSSIO can be installed as follows, while the others can be installed from CRAN:



  1. Setup a yaml file that determines which scenarios are used and which plots are created. yaml Specification includes the details about the yaml file configuration.
    • It does not matter where you save this file. It can be saved in this repository or in the CRSS folder.
  2. Edit main.R.
    • set the path in ui <- parse_yaml_input("some/path/file.yaml") to point to the yaml file created in step 1. The path can be an absolute path or a path relative to the Process-CRSS-Res folder.
  3. Call source("code/main.R") to process all of the results.

See doc/ for more details on how this process works in the overall CRSS publication process.