Bowhza / H2M-Launcher

A Better Launcher/Server Browser for H2M Mod.
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H2M Launcher

The H2M in-game server browser has a few bugs where it does not display the whole server list or does not join the correct server. The launcher aims to address these issues and provide more features.

GitHub Downloads (all assets, all releases)

New Discord for H2M Launcher

Join if you want to stay up-to-date with the launcher, have questions, suggestions, or looking for people to play H2M with.


Server Browser


Server Queueing

Party System

Game Detection

Settings & Other


  1. Download the latest release from HERE.

  2. Paste the H2M-Launcher.UI.exe inside the root of the game directory and run it.

  1. Before using the server browser make sure H2M is running. You can press Launch H2M to run the game.

  2. Find a server you want to play on, select it, and press the join button. The H2M window should automatically be set as the foreground window.


Keyboard/Mouse Description
ESC Close the H2M Launcher.
TAB Navigate between launcher controls.
F5 Refresh the server list.
ENTER Join the selected server.
Right Click Copies the server to clipboard.
CTRL + S Save the server list to favourties.json
CTRL + ALT + R Reconnect to server. (Can be changed)
CTRL + ALT + D Disconnect from server. (Can be changed)
SHIFT + ALT + S Toggle game overlay. (Can be changed)


This section will try to address most common issues people may encouter while using the browser. The FAQ will be regurarly updated while receiving feedback. Please read through this section before creating an issue.

1. Log Files

The log files can be found in the following directory: %localappdata%\BetterH2MLauncher

Fastest way to access the directory is by pressing Win + R to open the run menu and paste the directory in the Open text box.

2. Cannot connect to server or launcher does nothing when pressing join.

Answer: Either the server is not running or you need to change one or more windows settings.

3. The launcher opens but does not display any servers.

Answer: Open the Server List or API Link in your browser and see if you are able to reach the domain. If not, then check if your ISP or firewall is blocking you from accessing the domain. Alternatively, you can try switching to the alternative master server

4. Why is a specific server not showing up in the list?

Answer: The launcher only displays servers that are actually running. Many servers in the IW4MAdmin-Master Panel are offline and reporting false stats.

[!NOTE] If you and others can connect to the server in game, but it does not show up, please report the concrete case!

5. Saving to clipboard failed

Answer: It is possible that the launcher fails to copy the server command to your clipboard, this could be because another application is currently using your clipboard and is still holding on to that process. Go to your Windows Settings and search for Clear Clipboard.

6. Could not load configuration file

Answer: Delete the launchersettings.json file located at C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\BetterH2MLauncher. After deleting the json file, next time you launch the exe it should be created again.

[!IMPORTANT] If you encounter any issues not addressed here, please create an issue so it can be resolved and added to the FAQ if needed.

For other information and questions can be found at this Discord Server.

Compiling from Source Code

  1. If you wish to compile the code from source, clone the repository and open the H2MLauncher.sln solution using Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider.

  2. Open the terminal inside the H2MLauncher.UI project directory and run the following command to create a standalone executable:

dotnet publish -r win-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true --self-contained true
  1. The executable should now be found under bin/Release/net8.0/win-x64/publish and you can copy it into your game directory from there.