BrammyS / ShardedDiscordBotTemplate

Sharded discord bot made in c# using Discord.Net and .NET 5
MIT License
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bot bot-template c-shardp discord discord-bot discord-bot-template discord-net sharded sharded-client template

.NET Core Build

Discord Bot Template

This is an advanced c# discord bot template. With sharding and EF core and more!

What Bot templates Are Available?

You can switch bot templates by switching branches.

  1. A basic bot with sharding and basic command.
  2. A bot with a database using Entity framework + the same features as template 1.


These instructions will get you a copy of the bot up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

  1. Clone one of the bot templates.
  2. Fill in all the Data for your bot in the Constants class.
  3. Start the bot. This will create one or more config files in your debug/release folder of your project.
  4. Please follow the steps below for the bot template that you chose.
    • Basic bot: Add your bot token to the ConfigData.json file.
    • Entity framework bot: Follow the Basic bot steps above + follow the migration steps in the BotContext go to here for more info on migrations.
  5. Enjoy your bot!


Basic bot


Entity framework bot


Built With


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details