Brandawg93 / PeaNUT

A tiny dashboard for Network UPS Tools
Apache License 2.0
481 stars 10 forks source link



A Tiny Dashboard for Network UPS Tools

PayPal Docker Pulls Crowdin


Install using Docker

docker run

docker run -v ${PWD}/config:/config -p 8080:8080 --restart unless-stopped \
--env WEB_PORT=8080 brandawg93/peanut


    image: brandawg93/peanut:latest
    container_name: PeaNUT
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /path/to/config:/config
      - 8080:8080
      - WEB_PORT=8080

compile from source

git clone
cd PeaNUT
npm i -g pnpm # only if you don't have pnpm installed
pnpm i
pnpm run build:local
pnpm run start:local

More examples can be found in the examples folder.

Environment Variables

Note: Environment variables are not required and used for first time setup only.

Variable Default Description
WEB_HOST localhost Hostname of web server
WEB_PORT 8080 Port of web server
BASE_PATH undefined Base path for reverse proxy
INFLUX_HOST undefined Host for Influx server
INFLUX_TOKEN undefined Token for Influx server
INFLUX_ORG undefined Org for influx server
INFLUX_BUCKET undefined Bucket for influx server
INFLUX_INTERVAL 10 Inverval for Influx ingestion


API Call Description
GET /api/v1/devices Retrieves information about all UPS devices
GET /api/v1/devices/[ups] Retrieves information about the specified UPS device
GET /api/v1/devices/[ups]/var/[param] Retrieves value for a single parameter of the specified UPS device
POST /api/v1/devices/[ups]/var/[param] Saves value for a single parameter of the specified UPS device
GET /api/v1/devices/[ups]/var/[param]/description Retrieves description for a single parameter of the specified UPS device
GET /api/v1/devices/[ups]/var/[param]/type Retrieves type for a single parameter of the specified UPS device
GET /api/v1/devices/[ups]/commands Retrieves available commands for the specified UPS device
GET /api/v1/devices/[ups]/description Retrieves the description for the specified UPS device
GET /api/v1/devices/[ups]/clients Retrieves the connected clients for the specified UPS device
GET /api/v1/devices/[ups]/rwvars Retrieves writable variables for the specified UPS device

Homepage Support

For information about how to set up Homepage, check the Homepage docs.


  type: peanut
  key: nameofyourups

Or use the customapi widget for complete customization!


  type: customapi
  url: http://{HOSTNAME}:{PORT}/api/v1/devices/ups
    - field: battery.charge
      label: Battery Charge
      format: percent
    - field: battery.runtime
      label: Battery Runtime
      format: text
    - field: ups.load
      label: UPS Load
      format: percent
    - field: ups.status
      label: UPS Status
      format: text
        - value: OL
          to: Online
        - value: OB
          to: On Battery
        - value: LB
          to: Low Battery
        - any: true
          to: Unknown

Tested Devices

A wiki has been compiled of tested UPS devices. Feel free to look there for your device or add your device to the list by submitting an issue with the tested device label.

Donate to Support PeaNUT

This project was made with you in mind. If you would like to show your appreciation for its continued development, please consider sponsoring me on Github.

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