BreadMoirai / github-release-gradle-plugin

A Gradle Plugin to send Releases to Github
Apache License 2.0
108 stars 26 forks source link
github-api gradle gradle-plugin groovy unofficial


Gradle Plugin Portal

A Gradle Plugin to send Releases to Github

This plugin is not endorsed by Github.

This plugin uses OkHttp to send a POST requests to the github api that creates a release and uploads specified assets.

Known Issues

If you are using multiple GithubRelease tasks to compose a single release, the release must be published draft=false with the first task. Currently, the plugin cannot find an existing release if it is a draft.
Some version numbers are skipped because of issues with the gradle plugin portal.




















Adding as a dependency

Gradle Plugin Page

Using the plugins DSL:

plugins {
  id "com.github.breadmoirai.github-release" version "2.4.1"

Using legacy plugin application:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath "com.github.breadmoirai:github-release:2.4.1"

apply plugin: "com.github.breadmoirai.github-release"

Using this plugin

githubRelease {
    token "<your token>" // This is your personal access token with Repo permissions
                         // You get this from your user settings > developer settings > Personal Access Tokens
    owner "breadmoirai" // default is the last part of your group. Eg group: "com.github.breadmoirai" => owner: "breadmoirai"
    repo "github-release" // by default this is set to your project name
    tagName "v1.0.0" // by default this is set to "v${project.version}"
    targetCommitish "main" // by default this is set to "main"
    releaseName "v1.0.0" // Release title, by default this is the same as the tagName
    generateReleaseNotes false // Generate release notes automatically, if true and body is present, body will be prepended, if name is not given, one will be generated by the tag
    body "" // by default this is empty
    draft true // by default this is true
    prerelease false // by default this is false
    releaseAssets jar.destinationDir.listFiles // this points to which files you want to upload as assets with your release, by default this is empty
    allowUploadToExisting.set false // Setting this to true will allow this plugin to upload artifacts to a release if it found an existing one. If overwrite is set to true, this option is ignored.  
    overwrite false // by default false; if set to true, will delete an existing release with the same tag and name
    dryRun false // by default false; you can use this to see what actions would be taken without making a release
    apiEndpoint "" // should only change for github enterprise users
    client // This is the okhttp client used for http requests

View more information on each field at the WIKI

For additional info on these fields please see the Github API specification.

Additional Tips:

You can use a provider with a closure to defer evaluation.

body provider({
    //do something intensive
    return "wow"

Body Changelog

This plugin also provides a way to retrieve a list of commits since your last release. This uses the commandline to call git

body provider(changelog())
// or
body provider { """\
""" }

The changelog can be modified as follows

body provider(changelog {
    currentCommit "HEAD"
    lastCommit "HEAD~10"
    options(["--format=oneline", "--abbrev-commit", "--max-count=50", "graph"])

You can also apply string operations to the result.

body provider({ """\
# Info

## ChangeLog
${changelog().call().replace('\n', '\n* ')}
""" })


You can store your token in a located in either USER/.gradle or in the project directory and then retrieve it with getProperty('github.token')

Release Assets

You can avoid removing irrelevant files from your selected directory each time you publish a release by using a filter. For Example

FilenameFilter filter = { dir, filename -> filename.contains(project.version) }
releaseAssets jar.destinationDir.asFileTree.listFiles filter
// or
releaseAssets jar.archiveFile