Breakthrough-Energy / PreREISE

Generate input data for scenario framework
MIT License
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PreREISE is part of a Python software ecosystem developed by Breakthrough Energy Sciences to carry out power flow study in the U.S. electrical grid.

Main Features

PreREISE is dedicated to the building of demand, hydro, solar and wind profiles. A detailed presentation of the data source and algorithms used to generate profiles can be found on our docs.


Profiles are publicly available for the Breakthrough Energy Sciences (BES) grid model. Therefore, you don’t need to generate any input data if you use the scenario framework to carry out power flow study.

Where to get it

For now, only the source code is available. Clone or Fork the code here on GitHub.


PreREISE relies on:


Clone PowerSimData in a folder adjacent to your clone of PreREISE as the installation of packages depends on files in PowerSimData. Then, use the requirements.txt file (via pip) or Pipfile file (via pipenv) to install third party dependencies.




Code documentation in form of Python docstrings along with an overview of the package are available on our website.

Communication Channels

Sign up to our email list and our Slack workspace to get in touch with us.


All contributions (bug report, documentation, feature development, etc.) are welcome. An overview on how to contribute to this project can be found in our Contribution Guide.