Brentlyw / Doppel

An Advanced, Evasive, Persistent, Shellcode Loader and Executor for Windows
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Döppel is a program that was developed sporadically over two weeks, so please understand it may not be perfect. It is developed to return -1 and exit if any errors occur in it’s flow, so if this happens then either something went wrong, or it detected something it doesn’t want to run on. Please enjoy reversing this program, and I hope some of the parts I worked hard on might make you smile.

A Disclaimer

I made this program as a PoC (Proof of Concept) for a small competition. In no way is this program, or the payload it runs meant for harm or use on non-virtual machines. Please be responsible with the payload, and give it due respect as if it were a wild sample. Please note that this program does not cause ANY harm to the system it runs on, it purely allows for remote control via a C2 server. Please use this example for educational purposes, and enjoy!

Important Features

I wanted Döppel to be different, so I included some non-standard things within it’s execution flow.

If you like this, check out my UPXPatcher repo, which was made specifically for this PoC!