Coffee Engine
Coffee Engine is a Beautiful and Cross-platform 3D Game Engine written in C++ using OpenGL and SDL3.
This is a university project for learning how to make a 3D game engine.
Getting Started
Any IDE or Text Editor that supports CMake Projects (and vcpkg) should work for developing the project.
1. Clone the repository
git clone --recursive
cd Coffee-Engine
2. Compilation
There are a lot of ways to do it. From installing all the necessary packages for building it (cmake, vcpkg, a compiler...), to using a IDE environment. My recomendation is to use an IDE environment if what you want is an straightforward way to compile the project.
#### Instructions to compile the project using an IDE
##### Visual Studio 2022
1. Open the folder with Visual Studio 2022
2. Enable vcpkg integration. More info at
3. Reconfigure the cmake project. If the output panel display something like ```running vcpkg install``` then you are ready to go to the next stage.
4. Wait until all the dependencies are installed by vcpkg.
Then select on the top play button the Coffee-Editor.exe and run it.
5. Go to the "bin/Coffee-Engine/" folder
6. Congratulations! You have built Coffee-Engine for the first time!
##### CLion
1. Open the folder with CLion
2. ...
#### 1. Install vcpkg
##### Clone vcpkg
git clone
cd vcpkg
##### Run the bootstrap
##### Enable the vcpkg instance
./vcpkg integrate install
> Sometimes this will not automatically add the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable!
##### For more info take a look at
#### 2. Build
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j $(nproc) CoffeeEditor
#### 3. Enjoy!
cd ../bin/CoffeeEditor/Release
Features (WIP)
This is outdated, please Brewing-Team update it!
- [x] Compatible with Windows and Linux.
- [x] 3D Rendering
- [x] Textures
- [x] Materials
- [x] Shaders
- [x] PBR Rendering
- [x] Lights
- [ ] Environment
- [x] Scene System
- [x] Scene Tree
- [x] ECS System
- [x] Model Loading
- [x] Editor
- [ ] Save And Loading
This project makes use of several open-source libraries and resources that have greatly contributed to its development. Special thanks to the creators and maintainers of the following:
- spdlog: Fast C++ logging library.
- SDL3: Cross-platform development library made by
- GLM: OpenGL Mathematics library for graphics software.
- GLAD: Multi-language OpenGL loader-generator.
- ImGui: Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface for C++.
- stb_image: Image loading library.
- assimp: Library to import various well-known 3D model formats.
- EnTT: Fast and reliable entity-component system (ECS).
- Tracy: Real-time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid frame and sampling profiler.
- LearnOpenGL: Comprehensive OpenGL tutorial and resource site.
- Hazel: A small game engine developed by TheCherno as part of his game engine series.
- Godot: An advanced, feature-packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open-source game engine.
- skypjack on software: Blog and resources on software development by skypjack.