BriXsuite / Bright-lite

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.. _Cyclus: .. _Eigen:

Welcome New Bright-lite User!

Bright-lite is a collection of modules for the Cyclus_ Fuel Cycle Simulator that allow for medium fidelity reactor modeling. There are currently three modules in the Bright-lite suite.

Bright-lite Reactor Facility: A reactor modeling software that uses burnup, criticality, and transmutations matrix curves to determine input and output isotopic compositions. The reactor can also operate with user-defined fuel compositions, called the "forward" mode.

Bright-lite Fuel Fabrication Facility: A module that communicates directly with the Bright-lite Reactor Facility that allows for the reactor facility to access blending functions that will determine the isotopic composition of fuel that the reactor will be using in order to match a specific constraint.

Bright-lite Reprocessing Facility: A module that seperates user-defined isotopes out of a material that is sent to it. This currently requires an external text file to indicate which isotopes should be seperated with what efficiency into which streams. The structure of this text file can be seen here_.

Bright-lite works in conjuction with the Cyclus_ Fuel Cycle Simulator.

Bright-lite is currently only being actively supported for Ubuntu.

============ Installation

To use Bright-lite first you need to install it. Currently Bright-lite has the following dependencies.

The following dependencies will be required in the future

To install Bright-lite please follow these instructions.

1) Clone the Bright-lite repository from github.

git clone **repository url**

2) Change directory into the Bright-lite directory using the following command. cd Bright-lite

3) Use the following command inside the Bright-lite directory.


This will add the Bright-lite module to the cyclus environment, and allow you to use Bright-lite in Cyclus simulations.

============ Using Bright-lite

Bright-lite reactor requires at least 6 inputs from the users to operate fully. While there are several other inputs associated with the module, all of these other inputs come with a default value.

The six required inputs are

Operational Modes

Bright-lite has two operational modes. The mode is indicated using inputs to the Bright-lite reactor module. Forward mode is chosen by setting the reactor target_burnup mode to be equal to 0. Blending mode requires the target_burnup field to be a non negative value. Additionally, blending mode requires the Bright-lite ReactorFacility to be connected to a Bright-lite FuelfabFacility.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ Forward Mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^ In forward mode Bright-lite accepts a fuel composition and burns it. It does this by advancing the fluence of each batch in the core until the target is met (such as k = 1).

Currently forward mode works only with criticality and burnup targets.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ Blending Mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^ As stated above using the blending function in Bright-lite requires connecting a Bright-lite ReactorFacility to a Bright-lite FuelfabFacility. The in_commods field of the Bright-lite reactor should include all of the fuel fabrication facilities that the reactor can be connected to.

Currently there are two blending modes available in Bright-lite. These modes are described by a target-constraint pairing. The two available pairs currently are:

1) Burnup - Criticality: The blender will create a fuel that meets a target burnup when criticality is equal to the given constraint. This set of constraints only requires a non negative number to be entered into the target_burnup field. 2) Burnup - Conversion Ratio: The blender will create a fuel that meets a target burnup when conversion ratio is equal to the given constraint. This is achieved by setting the CR_target input field of the reactor to be equal to a number greater than 0 (note that there is no upper bound limit in the code for this this but physically it should not exceed 2). Additionally the target_burnup field must be a non negative value for this to work.

Running Example Cases

There are several example cases provided with Bright-lite. The single reactor example cases are:

The files can be found in the Bright-lite/examples/ folder. Run the following command to run the 42 MWd/kg burnup example case.

cyclus Bright-lite/examples/LWR42forward.xml

Library Interpolation

.. _interpolation:

The libraries_ used in Bright-lite are often associated with several parameters. For example an LWR reactor library might have parameters for burnup, and enrichment. If as a user, you require a different value for these parameters there are two possible methods for obtaining it First, a new library can be generated externally from Bright-lite using tools available (XSGEN for example). It is also possible to create a dynamic library that matches your desired parameters using Bright-lite's built in library interpolation tool.

This tool is used using two key components in the Bright-lite input schema.


represents a reactor library using just the extLWR library. However by adding another library::

extLWR lowLWR

Bright-lite will make a new library based on the interpolation pairs and the values inside of these two libraries.

interpolation_pairs Once two or more libraries have been selected at least one interpolation pair will need to be added. An interpolation pair is a <"Parameter", Value> pair. The parameter represents a common parameter shared by the libraries, and the value is the target value for the new dynamic library in that parameter.

For example, there may be two LWR libraries that fit into an LWR library suite.

If a new library with the following parameters is desired

The following xml should be added to the reactor archetype. ::

Reactor 1 Reactor 2 BURNUP 40 ENRICHMENT 4

Available Libraries

.. _libraries:

Recommended Libraries

Additional Libraries

Format of Reprocessing Plant Text File

.. _here: ::

isotope1n fraction1n 
isotope2n fraction2n 
isotopeN fractionN 
isotope1k fraction1k     
isotope2k fraction2k     
isotopeK fractionK