As part of the performance review goals, I wanted to build a platform to analyst-led learning, as Lloyd and Emil had done on talks of synthetic control and differences between fixed and random effects.
This is going to be for just our team (the analysts), i.e. I don't have any plans to eventually expand this platform to external teams, e.g. other labs in DPH or elsewhere. Non-technical people in our lab are welcome to join, but we don't have to curate the content to their specific needs. This means we can keep the learning sessions at a highly technical level if need to be, and use our research work as example to illustrate learning materials.
Areas of learning: (these are just what I can think of. Please add more)
[x] fixed vs. random effects
[x] practical effects of having these effects in the model, and how it affects our interpretations of the model; Jan 25th
As part of the performance review goals, I wanted to build a platform to analyst-led learning, as Lloyd and Emil had done on talks of synthetic control and differences between fixed and random effects.
This is going to be for just our team (the analysts), i.e. I don't have any plans to eventually expand this platform to external teams, e.g. other labs in DPH or elsewhere. Non-technical people in our lab are welcome to join, but we don't have to curate the content to their specific needs. This means we can keep the learning sessions at a highly technical level if need to be, and use our research work as example to illustrate learning materials.
Areas of learning: (these are just what I can think of. Please add more)