Brian-Elbel-s-Research-Projects / project-overview

A summary of current and past research projects in Elbel lab
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A summary of current and past research projects in Elbel lab

Menu labeling

Project Summary Analyst Published Paper
Impact of menu labeling on calories purchased: drive-through and in-store have now been merged into new primary_analysis Impact of menu labeling on California in-store purchases, and overall elsewhere Lloyd and Emil Menu Labeling and Calories Purchased in Restaurants in a National Fast Food Chain(forthcoming)
National roll-out Impact of menu labeling post national roll-out, interrupted time series Emil
Menu labeling on in-store transactions In-store orders only, treatment sites before national roll-out Combine with Impact of menu labeling on calories purchased
Menu labeling in California Compare in-store (treatment) and drive-through orders (comparison) Kriti/Lloyd
Legislation vs. implementation Compare sites that passed the law (never implemented) and the ones that implemented Pedro
Purchase by community characteristics Examine calorie purchase by demographic characteristics in communities surrounding the restaurants Emil/Lloyd
Analysis by purchase characteristics Examine calorie by purchase characteristics, such as time of day, day of the week, etc Combine with Impact of menu labeling on calories purchased
by-location analysis of in_store+full_aggregated Decomposition of Instore+drivethrough analysis by the 6 constituent analyses Emil

Soda tax

Project Summary Analyst Published Paper
Construct new tacobell database Putting together new database, 2015-2020 Erilia -
Tacobell2 Codebook Codebook with information on data available in tacobell2 database Kriti -
Price change in beverage and combo meal H1 and H2 of Aim 1: examine pass-thru of price per oz for beverages and price of combo meal Erilia
Calorie change Aim 2: change in calories ordered as a result of soda tax Erilia
Analysis by community characteristics


Project Summary Analyst Published Paper
Vaccine uptake - students Descriptive disparities in vaccine uptake among NYC students Lloyd COVID-19 vaccines for children: Racial and ethnic disparities in New York City
Vaccine uptake - schools The association between school level COVID vaccination rate and race and ethnicity Eric Analysis of School-Level Vaccination Rates by Race, Ethnicity, and Geography in New York City
Codebook Codebooks for COVID/SPHR related datasets

Healthy neighborhood

Project Summary Analyst Published Paper
Pre/post survey analysis Pedro


Project Summary Analyst Published Paper
Food environment paper 1 Descriptive paper, association between food access and race/ethnicity and income, at home and at school Erilia Disparities in food access around homes and schools for New York City children
Food environment paper 2 Association between access to food and likelihood of overweight/obesity, as well as zBMI Erilia Childhood Obesity and the Food Environment
School food Effect of food environment around NYC public schools on student obesity outcomes Erilia Relationship between retail food outlets near public schools and adolescent obesity in New York City
FRESH Impact of FRESH supermarket on childhood obesity of students living nearby Jeremy Association Between a Policy to Subsidize Supermarkets in Underserved Areas and Childhood Obesity Risk
Gentrification and childhood obesity The impact of neighborhood gentrification on childhood obesity and zBMI Eric
Access to public parks and childhood obesity The impact of public park access (by type) on student obesity/zBMI

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