Brian-Lascuna / fashion-forecast

MIT License
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Fashion Forecast

In this project, you will be able to use the application to find the weather, using the OpenWeatherMap API. In any location of world, using the MapBox API. Suggested clothing will then apear for the set forecast of the day/week, using the Amazon Price API.

User Story

AS a Traveler,
I WANT to know the weather at my destination.
SO THAT I can pack accordingly.
GIVEN when I type in the location I am seeking I then get the weather.
SO when I look up the weather for the day/week I get clothing recommendations for displayed weather.
WHEN I click on the recommended clothing, I am taken to the website where I as a Traveler can buy.

As a user, I CAN see all of the results of provided clothes needed for the weather.
As a user, I WANT to be able to save certain locations on the application.
As a user, I WANT a quick view of the clothes when I press on the weather card.
As a user, I CAN get the weather for the day/week.


forcast homepage clothing


HTML, Tailwind.css, Javascript, MapBox API, Amazon Price API, OpenWeatherMap API, jQuery


[GitHub Repo]

[Deployed Link]


Brian Lascuna, Leslie Sanchez, Maryam Selassie, Kate Sundquist, Michael Welle
