BrianBGrant / DNDCv.CAN

This is our development version of DNDCv.CAN. The model is under ongoing development. Please report issues.
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Welcome to DNDCv.CAN. This is a branch of the original U.S. version of DNDC ( that has since been developed into DNDC10 under Regrow (

DNDCv.CAN was originally developed of the DNDC95 codebase dated August 2015 and has since developed into it's own version. This development is being managed by Brian Grant and Ward Smith from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Please note that the source code for DNDCv.CAN is shared only with direct colloborators on research projects. If you require DNDC source code for the development of tools specific to your own requirements please contact Bill Salas at Regrow.

A user guide for both the original DNDC version as well as the new additions to DNDCv.CAN are available here.

A separate windows-based command line version of DNDCv.CAN is now also available as part of the source code package that will run without the graphics user interface.

Please send any inquiries to or

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DNDCv.CAN Development Blog


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DNDC.vCAN userGuide


Research Gate Profile - Brian Grant

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Federal Profile - Brian Grant

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Federal Profile - Ward Smith

Current Development Collaborations

University of Guelph

Dr. C. Wagner-Riddle
Dr. J. Nasielsk

Professional Staff/Students @ Guelph

Jongwon Kang
Azeem Tariq

McGill University

Dr. Z. Qi

Professional Staff/Students @ McGill

Dr. C. Hung
Birk Li

University of Manitoba

Dr. Mario Tenuta

Recent Publications with DNDC v.CAN

  1. Jiang et al. 2021. Assessing the impacts of diversified crop rotation systems on yields and nitrous oxide emissions in Canada using the DNDC model. Science of the Total Environment. 759:143433
  2. Jing et al. 2021. Assessing water management effects on spring wheat yield in the Canadian Prairies using DSSAT wheat models. Agricultural Water Management. 244: 106591.
  3. Mencaroni et al. 2021. Identifying N fertilizer management strategies to reduce ammonia volatilization: towards a site-specific approach. Journal of Environmental Management. 277 (1): 111445
  4. Rennie, Grant et al. 2021. Regional climate influences manure temperature and methane emissions – a pan-Canadian modelling assessment. Science of The Total Environment. 750: 142278.
  5. De Laporte et al. 2021. Economic and environmental consequences of nitrogen application rates, timing and methods on Corn in Ontario. Agricultural Systems. 148: 103018.
  6. Farina et al. 2021. Ensemble modelling, uncertainty and robust predictions of organic carbon in long-term bare-fallow soils. Glob Change Biol. 2020;001:1-25
  7. Jiajia et al., 2021. Exploring management strategies to improve yield and mitigate nitrate leaching in a typical radish field in northern China. Journal of Environmental Management. Accepted. 2020
  8. Smith, Grant et al. 2020. Towards an improved methodology for modelling climate change impacts on cropping systems in cool climates. Sci. Total Environ. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138845
  9. Smith, Grant et al. 2020. Development of the DNDC model to improve soil hydrology and incorporate mechanistic tile drainage: A comparative analysis with RZWQM2. Environmental Modelling Software 123:104577.
  10. Nasielski, Grant et al. 2020. Effect of nitrogen source, placement and timing on the environmental performance of economically optimum nitrogen rates in maize. Field Crops Research.
  11. Banger et al.. 2020. Nitrogen fertilizer best management practices combined with rate adjustment have potential to achieve provincial-scale nitrous oxide reduction in Ontario corn production. Sci. Total Environ. 722(20): 137851
  12. Nilsson et al. 2020. Assessing the climate and eutrophication impacts of grass cultivation at five sites in Sweden, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2020.1822436
  13. Falconnier et al. 2020. Modeling of climate change impacts on maize yields under low-nitrogen conditions in sub-Saharan Africa. Glob Change Biol. 220;26:5942-5964.
  14. Giltrap et al. 2020. Summary of modelling approaches in the Global Research Alliance N2O chamber methodology. Journal of Environmental Quality.
  15. Jiang et al. 2020. Comparison of RZWQM2 and DNDC model in simulating greenhouse gas emission, crop yield and subsurface drainage. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(4): 771-787.
  16. Kløverpris et al. 2020. Assessing life cycle impacts from changes in agricultural practices of crop production. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.
  17. Qian et al. 2020. Quantifying the uncertainty introduced by internal climate variability in projections of Canadian crop production. Env. Res. Letters. 15:7
  18. Sándor et al. 2020. Ensemble modelling of carbon fluxes in grasslands and croplands. Field Crops Research. 252: 107791.
  19. He et al. 2020. Assessing the effects of manure application rate and timing on nitrous oxide emissions from managed grasslands under contrasting climate in Canada. Sci. Total Environ.
  20. Jiang et al. 2020. Assessing climate change impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, N losses in drainage and crop production in a subsurface drained field. Sci. Total Environ.
  21. Jing et al. 2020. Simulating Alfalfa Regrowth and Biomass in Eastern Canada Using the CSM-CROPGRO-Perennial Forage Model. European Journal of Agronomy 113:125971.


  1. Smith, W. Grant, B., Qi, Z., He, W., VanderZaag, A., Drury, C., Verge, X., Balde, H., Gordon, R., Helmers, M. 2019. Assessing the impacts of climate variability on fertilizer management decisions for reducing N losses from corn silage production. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi: 10.2134/jeq2018.12.0440
  2. Smith, W., Qi, Z., Grant, B.B, VanderZaag, A., Desjardins, R. 2019. Comparing hydrological frameworks for simulating crop biomass, water and nitrogen dynamics in a tile drained soybean-corn system: Cascade vs computational approach. Journal of Hydrology X.
  3. He, W., W. Smith, B. Grant, A. VanderZaag, , E. Schwager, Z. Qi, D. Reynolds, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2019. Understanding the Fertilizer Management Impacts on Water and Nitrogen Dynamics for a Corn Silage Tile-Drained System in Canada. J. Environ. Qual. 48(4):1016-1028. doi:10.2134/jeq2018.11.0414.
  4. Qian, B., Zhang, X., Smith, W., Grant, B., Jing, Q., Cannon, A., Neilsen, D., McConkey, B., Li, G., Bonsal, B., Wan, H., Xue, L. and Zhao, J. 2019. Climate impacts on Canadian yields of spring wheat, canola and maize for global warming levels of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0°C. Environmental Research Letters 14 (7): 074005.
  5. He, W., B.B. Grant, W.N. Smith, A.C. VanderZaag, S. Piquette, B. Qian, Q. Jing, T.J. Rennie, G. Bélanger, G. Jégo, B. Deen. 2019. Assessing alfalfa production under historical and future climate in eastern Canada: DNDC model development and application. Environmental Modelling and Software. 122: 104540. 2018
  6. Guest, G., Smith, W., Grant, B., McConkey, B., Chipanshi, A., Reid, K., Kroebel, R., Martel, M., Desjardins, R.,V anderZaag, A., Pattey, E., Glenn, A., Wilson, H., Balde, H., Wagner-Riddle, C., Drury, C.F., Fuller, K., Hayashi, M., Reynolds, D. Unknown 2018. Comparing the performance of the DNDC, Holos and VSMB models for predicting the water partitioning of various crops and sites across Canada. Can. J. Soil. Sci. 98(2): 212-231
  7. Dutta, B., Grant, B.B., Congreves, K.A., Smith, W.N., Wagner-Riddle, C., VanderZaag, A.C., Tenuta, M., Desjardins,R.L.. April 2018. Characterising effects of management practices, snow cover, and soil texture on soil temperature: Model development in DNDC. Biosystems Engineering. 168:54-72.
  8. Jarecki, M., Grant, B., Smith, W., Deen, B., Drury, C., VanderZaag, A., Qian, B., Yang, J., Wagner-Riddle, C. January 2018. Long-term Trends in Corn Yields and Soil Carbon under Diversified Crop Rotations. J. Environ. Qual. 47(4):635-643
  9. F Ehrhardt, J-F Soussana, G Bellocchi, P Grace, R McAuliffe, S Recous, R Sándor, P Smith, V Snow, MDA Migliorati, B Basso, A Bhatia, L Brilli, J Doltra, C Doris, L Doro, N Fitton, S Giacomini, B Grant, M.T. Harrison, S Jones, M Kirschbaum, K Klumpp, P Laville, J Léonard, M Liebig, M Lieffering, , RS Massad, R Martin, E Meier, L Merbold, A Moore, V Myrgiotis, P Newton, E Pattey, S Rolinski, J Sharp, W Smith, L Wu, Q. Zhang. February 2018. Assessing uncertainties in crop and pasture ensemble model simulations of productivity and N2O emissions. Global Change Biology. 24(2): e603-e616.
  10. Goglio P, Smith WN, Grant BB, Desjardins RL, Gao X, Hanis K, Tenuta M, Campbell CA, McConkey BG, Nemecek T, Burgess P, Williams AG. January 2018. A comparison of methods to quantify greenhouse gas emissions of cropping systems in LCA. Journal of Cleaner Production. 172(20):4010:4017
  11. Goglio, P., Smith, W.N., Worth, D.E., Grant, B.B., Desjardins, R.L., Chen, W., Tenuta, M., McConkey, B.G., Williams, A., Burgessa, P., January 2018. Development of Crop.LCA, an adaptable screening life cycle assessment tool for agricultural systems: a Canadian scenario assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 172(20):3770-3780
  12. He, W.,Yang, J., Drury, C., Smith, W., Grant, B., He, P., Qian, B., Zhou, W., Hoogenboom, G. January 2018. Estimating the impacts of climate change on crop yields and N2O emissions for conventional and no-tillage in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Agricultural Systems. 159:187-198 2017
  13. Guest, G., Kroebel, R., Grant, B., Smith, W., Sansoulet, J., Pattey, E., Desjardins, R., Jego, G., Tremblay, N., Tremblay, G. October 2017. Model comparison of soil processes in eastern Canada using DayCent, DNDC and STICS. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 109(3): 211-232.
  14. Vergé, X., VanderZaag, A., Smith, W., Grant, B., Gordon, R. July 2017. The consideration of time step in calculating grey water footprints of agricultural cropping systems. Ecological indicators. 78:31–36.
  15. Guest, G., Smith, W., Grant, B., VanderZaag, A., Desjardins, R., McConkey, B. 2017. A comparative life cycle assessment highlighting the trade-offs of a liquid manure separator-composter in a Canadian dairy farm system. Journal of Cleaner Production. 143:824–835.
  16. Dutta, B; Grant, BB; Campbell, CA; Lemke, RL; Desjardins, RL; Smith, WN. 2017. A multi model evaluation of long-term effects of crop management and cropping systems on nitrogen dynamics in the Canadian semi-arid prairie. Agricultural Systems. 151:136-147. 2016
  17. Dutta, B., Congreves, K.A., Smith a, W.N., Grant, B.B., Rochette, P., Chantigny, M.H. Desjardins, R.L. 2016. Application of DNDC to estimate ammonia loss from surface and incorporated urea fertilizer in temperate agroecosystems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 106:3: 275–292.
  18. Sándor, R, F Ehrhardt, B Basso, G Bellocchi, A Bhatia, L Brilli, M De Antoni Migliorati, J Doltra, C Dorich, L Doro, N Fitton, SJ Giacomini, P Grace, B Grant, MT Harrison, S Jones, MUF Kirschbaum, K Klumpp, P Laville, J Léonard, M Liebig, M Lieffering, R Martin, R McAuliffe, E Meier, L Merbold, A Moore, V Myrgiotis, P Newton, E Pattey, S Recous, S Rolinski, J Sharp, RS Massad, P Smith, W Smith, V Snow, L Wu, Q Zhang, JF Soussana. 2016. C and N models Intercomparison–benchmark and ensemble model estimates for grassland production. Advances in Animal Biosciences. 7(3): 245-247.
  19. Abalos, Diego; Smith, Ward N; Grant, Brian B; Drury, Craig F; MacKell, Sarah; Wagner-Riddle, Claudia 2016. Scenario analysis of fertilizer management practices for N2O mitigation from corn systems in Canada. Science of The Total Environment. 573: 356-365.
  20. Congreves, K.A., Dutta, B., Grant, B.B., Smith, W.N., Desjardins, R.L., Wagner-Riddle, C. 2016. How does climate variability influence nitrogen loss in temperate agroecosystems under contrasting management systems? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 227:33-41.
  21. Dutta, B., Smith, W.N., Grant, B. B., Pattey, E., Desjardins, R.L., Li, and C. Congreves 2016. Model development in DNDC for the prediction of evapotranspiration and water use in temperate field cropping systems. Environmental Modelling & Software. 80:9-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.02.014
  22. Congreves, K.A., B.B. Grant, B. Dutta, W.N. Smith, M.H. Chantigny, P. Rochette, R.L. Desjardins. 2016.Predicting ammonia volatilization from swine slurry application using DNDC: Model development. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 219:179-189. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2015.10.028
  23. Grant, B.B., Smith, W.N., Campbell, C., Desjardins, R.L., Lemke, R.L., Kroebel, R., McConkey, B.M., Smith, E.G., Lafond, G.P. 2016. Comparison of DayCent and DNDC models: Case studies using data from long-term experiments on the Canadian prairies. In Del Grosso, S., Parton, B., Lajpat, A. (Eds.). Advances in Modeling Agricultural Systems: Trans-disciplinary Research, Synthesize, Modeling, and Applications, Vo.5. ASA-SSSA-CSSA.