BrianHepler / MMM-Selfieshot

Taking a Selfie with USB cam on MagicMirror.
MIT License
8 stars 6 forks source link
magicmirror magicmirror2 photos pi-camera raspberry-pi selfie touch


Taking a Selfie with USB web cam or Raspberry Pi camera module on MagicMirror.


New Updates

[1.0.4] - 2022-08=10

[1.0.3] - 2020-06-02

[1.0.2] - 2020-03-23

[1.0.1] - 2020-03-23



  1. For Raspbian / Linux

    sudo apt-get install fswebcam
  2. For Mac OSX

    brew install imagesnap


git clone
cd MMM-Selfieshot
npm install



This module doesn't need position of module unless you're using the touch button.

    disabled: false,
    module: "MMM-Selfieshot",
    config: {}


To place a button on the mirror that you can click or touch, you will have to include a position and the name of the Font Awesome icon.

  disabled: false,
  module: "MMM-Selfieshot",
  position: "bottom_left",
  config: {
    displayButton: "portrait"

Configuration Options

These values are set as default, you don't need to copy all of these. Just pick what you need only and add it into your config:{}

Parameter Default Description
debug false You can get a more detailed log for troubleshooting
storePath "./photos" You most likely won't need to modify this
width 1280 Width of captured image (may not be respected by camera)
height 720 Height of captured image (may not be respected by camera)
quality 100
device null Leave as null for the default camera. "USB Camera" or "/video/video11" for other device. See backend log to get your installed camera name.
shootMessage "Smile!" The message to display during the countdown.
shootCountdown 5 How many seconds in the countdown before the image is taken.
displayCountdown true
displayResult true If you set this to false, the module will not display what it saw.
rotateCountdown "none" Rotates the countdown & "shoot message". Designed for landscape Magic Mirrors. Valid options: "left", "right", "invert"
rotatePreview "none" Rotates the result image. Designed for landscape Magic Mirrors. Valid options: "left", "right", "invert"
playShutter true Play the sound of the camera shutter.
shutterSound "shutter.mp3" The sound to play for the shutter. Located in the module main directory.
useWebEndpoint "selfie" This will activate 'http://YOUR_MM_IP_OR_DOMAIN:PORT/selfie [POST]' as web API endpoint.
resultDuration 1000 * 5 How long to display the image (in milliseconds)
sendTelegramBot true
sendMail null You can provide the configuration for NodeMailer (



If you want to send a photo taken through mail, set for your environment like this example.

sendMail: {
  transport: {
    host: '', // If required.
    port: 465, // If required.
    secure: true, // If required.
    auth: {
      user: "",
      pass: "your gmail password"
  message: {
    from: "",
    to: "",
    subject: "Selfie",
    text: "New selfie.",

How to use

  1. by notification SELFIE_SHOOT Your other module can make an order to take a picture (Button, Voice Commander, Sensors,...)

    this.sendNotification("SELFIE_SHOOT", {
    option: {
    shootCountdown: 1,
    displayResult: false,
    playShutter: false,
    displayCountdown: false,
    // only these 4 properties are available.
    this.sendNotification("SELFIE_SHOOT", {
    option: { ... },
    callback: (result) => {
    console.log(result) // It will have result.path and result.uri
    • SELFIE_EMPTY_STORE : You can remove all photos in store directory.
    • SELFIE_LAST : You can display last photo taken on screen.
  2. by MMM-TelegramBot

    • /selfie or /selfie 5 : Take a photo (with countdown)
    • /emptyselfie : Remove all photos
    • /lastselfie : Display last the last photo taken on screen and telegram.
  3. by HTTP Request

CURL example;

curl -d '{"shootCountdown":7}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/selfie

You can use this feature for IFTTT or other program out of MagicMirror.

  1. Photos will be stored in /photos directory. You can use rsync or any tools to share/send/sync with other storage. (Ask to your network/system admin.)

  2. by MMM-GooglePhotos

    • Photos will be uploaded to Google Photos album automatically.