BrianHepler / MMM-WeatherBackground

MagicMirror Module - for Weather image background from Unsplash. This is a plugin of other weather modules.
MIT License
17 stars 9 forks source link
magicmirror magicmirror2 unsplash weather-modules


MagicMirror Module – Displays a background from Unsplash based upon your weather module. This module requires a working weather module to function.

This module will search Unsplash for an image based upon the current weather conditions as reported by your weather module. When your weather module reports rain, it will display images of rain. Snow for snow, etc.

The monthMap array allows you to refine the search by providing an additional search term. For example, the default keyword for April is “spring” and the keyword for October is “autumn”. Combined with the weather module reporting “showers”, the search term for images is “spring showers” in April and “autumn showers” in October.




cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone



  module: "MMM-WeatherBackground",
  // don't assign position.
  config: {

Configuration Options

Option Default Description
clientID "" REQUIRED: Your Access Key from an unsplash developer account
verbose false Enable log messages.
source weather Which weather module to use for image searches. Possible values: weather, MMM-NOAA3, MMM-OpenWeatherForecast, MMM-DarkskyForecast Note: Dark Sky is
scheduled to cease operation at the end of 2022.
size null The size of the image. This does not resize the image, but is for display optimization. Values: '1920x1080', '720x480', etc.
hemisphere n Deprecated.
monthMap ['NewYear', 'winter', 'spring', 'spring flower', 'joy', 'summer rain', 'summer beach', 'summer vacation', 'autumn', 'autumn leaves', 'winter', 'christmas'] An array of 12 keywords describing January to December. Used to refine image searches.
targetDOM .fullscreen.below The Magic Mirror position value where you wish the image to appear.
notification null Which notification message to use to determine the image search. Usefull for integrating with unsupported weather modules.
payloadConverter null Callback for custom weather notification processor. The return value is the search string for an appropriate image. See the Payload Converter section below for more information.
defaultCollection null Default value if there is no match between the weather condition and the collection.
externalCollection collections.json Name of a JSON file containing the collection map. The collection map links weather conditions to image IDs in UnSplash.

Adjusting Image Brightness

By default, the background image is displayed at 100% brightness. This may wash out the text of other modules, especially on sunny days. The easiest way to fix this is to modify your custom.css file in the Magic Mirror CSS folder (usually /home/pi/MagicMirror/css/custom.css). Add this line:

.WTHBGR {filter: brightness(0.3)}

Adjust the value in parentheses up or down to suit your taste. The range is from 1.0 to 0.

Custom Weather Processing (Payload Converter)

You can write your own routine to process the notification of any module that broadcasts via the sendNotification() function. This is done by using the notification and payloadConverter fields in the module configuration. This will override the existing module logic and exclusively use your code to react to the notification that you specify.

For example: If there was a weather module called “MMM-MarsWeather” that tracked the weather on Mars, it might broadcast notifications using the notification “MARS_CONDITION” and include a simple string of words as the condition. String values such as “hot and dry” or “hot and windy” make up the payload for the notification. To process these notifications, you would specify the correct notification like so:

  module: "MMM-WeatherBackground",
  config: {
        notification: "MARS_CONDITION",

You then will want to write a routine that will read the payload and return the search terms that will get the image you want from Unsplash. In the below example, the map has the payload value as the key and the search terms as the value.

payloadConverter: (payload) => {
 var marsMap = {
  “hot and dry”: “sunny desert”,
  “hot and windy”: “dust devil”,
  “hot and dark”: “nighttime desert”,
  “alien invasion”: “xenomorphs”
 return marsMap[payload.toString()];

Combining these two values will allow you to customize the search terms for Unsplash to react to whatever notification you wish. Note: It does not have to be a weather module. You can configure this for any notification.

Version History

[2022-04-29] by brian hepler


When the collections are set like the belows;

"cloudy" : "12345",
"cloudy summer": "23456",
"cloudy winter": "34567"

In this case, If .payloadConverter() returns cloudy day summer, cloudy summer will be selected as collection because it matches better. If .payloadConverter() returns thunderstorm winter, cloudy winter will be selected. If .payloadConvert() returns spring sunny, no collection matched so keyword searching spring, sunny will be executed. So, you don't need to describe all possible collections. Just keep essential key collections.


[2019-05-01] (PR by @mohace)




cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone



  module: "MMM-WeatherBackground",
  // don't assign position.
  config: {}

Defaults & details

  module: "MMM-WeatherBackground",
  config: {
    verbose: false, // If you want to leave some log message, set this as true
    source: "weather", // "weather", "MMM-NOAA3", "MMM-DarkskyForecast".  If you want to use different source, manually set `notification` and `payloadConverter`
    size: null, // "1920x480", whatever....
    hemisphere: "n", // 'n', 's' or null/false  (For backward compatibility) // will be deprecated. use monthMap instead.
    monthMap: ['NewYear', 'winter', 'spring', 'spring flower', 'joy', 'summer rain', 'summer beach', 'summer vacation', 'autumn', 'autumn leaves', 'winter', 'christmas'], // set your custom keyword for each month.
    //monthMap: ['winter', 'winter', 'spring', 'spring', 'spring', 'summer', 'summer', 'summer', 'autumn', 'autumn', 'autumn', 'winter'],// 
    //monthMap: null, false, or []
    targetDOM: ".fullscreen.below", //null or DomSelector for target. (if null, weather will be targeted.)
    notification: null, // when you need another `source` from `source, modify this.
    payloadConverter: null, // your custom payloadConverter callback.
    defaultCollection: null, // When matched collection not found, this will be used.
    externalCollections: "collections.json", // or null. // I recommend you rename this file to prevent update-conflicts.
    collections: {}, // This will be combined with externalCollections. (For backward compatibility)