BrianRosamilia / azure-function-log-intercept

Add console.log support to Azure Functions
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console.log doesn't actually log as you would expect in node.js Azure Functions. You are expected to use context.log and context is not a global object, it's a parameter to your Azure Function so you would have to pass this throughout your modules/functions to get logging like you would expect.

This package fixes this with minimal friction, 0 dependencies, and allows you to use console.log (and other console methods) like normal.

More information here:


npm install azure-function-log-intercept

const intercept = require('azure-function-log-intercept');
const storage = require('./StorageService.js');

module.exports = async function (context, myQueueItem) {
    intercept(context);// console.log works now!

    await storage.storeMessage(myQueueItem);

    console.log('Function Completed');