Brim7Premium / Calamity-Reign-of-Yharim

Calamity Reign of Yharim is a fangame based on the Calamity Mod
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Calamity: Reign of Yharim

Calamity: Reign of Yharim is a fangame based on the Calamity Mod, focused on several core elements:

-Immersive storytelling seperate from Terraria lore

-Immersive combat with less focus on sandbox

-Calamity lore, slightly modified to fit our changes


Calamity: Reign of Yharim uses assets, characters, music, and other content from the original Calamity mod, and is made under the permission of the developers of the original Calamity Mod.

We do NOT claim ownership or credit of original Calamity Mod assets, characters, music, or other pre-existing content related to Calamity.

Calamity: Reign of Yharim DOES however, contain original assets, characters, music, and other content that builds on top of the original Calamity content, to fill in the gaps left by the removal of Terraria lore.

We retain the right to our original assets, characters, concepts, designs, music, and other original conent made for Calamity: Reign of Yharim.

File Navigation

Npc, boss and enemy ai:
    - Calamity-Reign-of-Yharim/Reign of Yharim/Assets/Scripts/AI


  1. If you fork the repository, keep your branch on the main repository up to date with the forked version. Don’t make pull requests directly from the forked versions to maintesting

  2. If you want to update main, create a pull request to maintesting and ask other programers if they have any changes they want to add. Once everyone has added their changes to maintesting and they all function properly together, I will create a pull request to main.

  3. Don’t create requests or push directly to main. I will handle requests from maintesting, which are the only requests to main that are allowed.

  4. Don’t make changes to other people’s branches. Only push to your branch

  5. Similarly, don’t make pull requests to other people’s branches

  6. Review. Pull requests to maintesting must be reviewed by me for approval. To be approved, you need to answer what, why, and how. What: What changes/additions are being made? Why: Why are those changes/additions being made? How: a brief explanation of how the changes/additions work, and if they are changes, how they improve the previous system. If a pull request to maintesting does not have these three questions answered, I won’t approve it.

  7. If you don’t have a branch, create one from main that has the same name as your username