BritishYouthBandAssociation / OrgAdmin

Admin site for organisations
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Organisation Creation #191

Open rugulous opened 1 year ago

rugulous commented 1 year ago

The Organisation Creation screen still isn't quite right.

rugulous commented 1 year ago

I'd suggest redesigning this with an accordion

Section 1: Basic Details Name / Slug (req) Logo (opt) Type (req)

Section 2: Profile Description (opt) Header Image (opt) Primary Colour (opt) Secondary Colour (opt)

Section 3: Contacts Primary Contact (req) Secondary Contact (opt)

Section 4: Address (opt)

rugulous commented 1 year ago

As I'm filling this out, it looks like this could also be used for organisation registration for the site! I'm also going to make changes to allow this page (and this page only) to be accessible without logging in.

rugulous commented 1 year ago

This issue now replaces #229 so I'll add the other relevant details:

When the application has been submitted, we will take the membership fee (if applicable). However, the band won't initially come into membership - the application must be reviewed by an Admin user.

If the application is rejected, the membership fee will be refunded and an email sent to the user.

rugulous commented 1 year ago

These new requirements mean that we now also need to capture the membership type for the organisation here.

If created by an admin user, no payment will need to be made and the organisation will be approved

Otherwise, the organisation will go into an OrganisationRequest table and an attempt to take a payment will be made

These changes mean that this issue will also deal with #121 !

rugulous commented 1 year ago

I'm leaving off emailing details to users for now as we don't actually want them logging into the system. I've created a new issue - #238 - and not assigned a milestone so that we can pick it up when we want bands logging in

rugulous commented 1 year ago

Waiting for #223 before this can progress any further