BritishYouthBandAssociation / OrgAdmin

Admin site for organisations
1 stars 0 forks source link
handlebars nodejs


A site for organisations (e.g. BYBA) to carry out administrative tasks (such as configuring events)

Table of Contents

General Information

This repository contains the code for the Organisation Admin website.

Technologies Used


+-- .husky      - contains custom git hooks
+-- config      - contains sample configuration files
+-- lib         - contains general helper modules and classes
+-- public      - contains static content served directly
+-- routes      - contains Express routers
+-- views       - contains handlebars view files
|   +-- layouts     - contains handlebars layout files
|   +-- partials    - contains handlebars partials
+-- app.js      - the entry point for the application




  1. Clone this new repository to your development environment
  2. Using a command line, run yarn - this will install all of the dependencies for the site and the custom git hooks
  3. Using a command line, run gulp. This will:
    • Copy all sample configurations to their non-sample counterpart
    • Prompt you to edit the config values to suit your environment