BrittzXD / silvertree

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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Welcome to Silver Tree 0.2!

Silver Tree is a project which aims to create an Open Source single player RPG.


Type './configure' and then 'make' to build the game.

Notable dependencies are Boost, SDL, SDL_ttf, and SDL_image, and OpenGL. The editor depends on Qt 4.


To play the game type './silvertreerpg'.

To run the editor (on the main scenario file) type './editorsilvertree-editor data/scenario.cfg' .


You move a party of characters around a hexagonally tiled map. Assuming north is toward the top of the screen, moving north and south is accomplished by pressing the up and down arrow. Moving in a diagonal direction involves pressing the left or right arrow key, and holding it while you also press the up or down arrow.

For instance, press left and down to move south-west.

You move your party one hex at a time. Once your party begins moving from one hex to another, you've committed to that move and won't have control over your party again until the move is complete. Other parties will only move while you are moving or resting. Whenever your party isn't carrying out your commands, the game automatically pauses until you issue a new command.

You can also control the camera. Press 'z' to zoom in, and 'x' to zoom out. Hold control and press the arrow keys to rotate and tilt the camera. As alternate keys, 'p' and 'l' will tilt the camera, while '<' and '>' will rotate the camera.


Press 's' to enter the party's status screen. The characters in your party are displayed at the top. You can click on a party member to go to that character's status screen. From here you can upgrade their attributes, learn skills, and change their equipment.

At the start of the game, your main character has many unassigned attribute points. It is recommended that you immediately build your character by going to the status screen.


In the top-left of the screen on the main display are two numbers listed for each character. For instance, 0/85. The '0' in this example indicates the character's fatigue, and the '85' their stamina. As the party performs actions, fatigue increases. Once fatigue is greater than stamina, the character begins to tire and becomes slower, and suffers penalties in combat.


Hold space to make your party rest. Fatigue will be removed as the party rests.

Hold shift while moving to make your party run. The party moves at double speed when running, however fatigue accumulates at four times the normal rate.


When you encounter a hostile party, combat will be initiated on a combat map.


Visit to check out the latest in Silver Tree development.

We are currently looking for assistance in many areas of development.

David White