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Inconsistency in USP spec regarding the Get message #12

Closed JacobsJohan closed 3 years ago

JacobsJohan commented 3 years ago


There is an inconsistency in the examples for the Get message. It is not clear to me how many resolved_paths are expected for a requested_path when the requested_path points to an object with sub-objects. Quoting the USP spec on this topic:

For each resolved Path Name, a ResolvedPathResult message is given in the Response. This ResolvedPathResult contains the resolved_path, followed by a list of parameters (result_params) of both the resolved_path Object and all of its sub-objects, plus their values.

Based on this I would think that the sub-objects of a resolved_path are part of the parameters that belong to that resolved_path. This is how it's done in the first example where the Stats object is a sub-object of Device.WiFi.SSID.1..

Pasting the example here for clarity:

    Get {
      param_paths {

In response to this request the Agent returns all parameters, plus sub-Objects and their parameters, of the addressed instance. The Agent returns this data in the Get response using a field for each of the requested paths. In this case:

    GetResp {
        req_path_results {
        requested_path: "Device.WiFi.SSID.[SSID=="Homenetwork"&&BSSID=00:11:22:33:44:55]."
        err_code : 0
        err_msg :
        resolved_path_results {
          resolved_path : "Device.WiFi.SSID.1."
          result_params {
              key: "Enable"
              value: "True"
              key: "Status"
              value: "Up"
              key: "Name"
              value: "Home Network"
              key: "LastChange"
              value: "864000"
              key: "BSSID"
              value: "00:11:22:33:44:55"
              key: "Stats.BytesSent"
              value: "24901567"
              key: "Stats.BytesReceived"
              value: "892806908296"


This example seems to be in line with the spec, however a bit further there is another get example with a requested_path for "Device.LocalAgent.MTP.[Alias=="CoAP-MTP1"]." (and another path). In this case there are 3 resolved_paths for the request:

However I would expect the CoAP. and STOMP. sub-objects to be part of the parameters of "Device.LocalAgent.MTP.5156." similar to the Stats object being a parameter of "Device.WiFi.SSID.1." in the previous example.

Pasting full example here for easy reference:

Get Request:

header {
  msg_id: "5721"
  msg_type: GET
body {
  request {
    get {
      param_paths: "Device.LocalAgent.MTP.[Alias=="CoAP-MTP1"]."
      param_paths: "Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[ID=="boot-1"&&Recipient=="Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1"].Enable"

Get Response:

header {
  msg_id: "5721"
  msg_type: GET_RESP
body {
  response {
    get_resp {
      req_path_results {
        requested_path: "Device.LocalAgent.MTP.[Alias=="CoAP-MTP1"]."
        resolved_path_results {
          resolved_path: "Device.LocalAgent.MTP.5156." {
                key: "Alias"
                value: "CoAP-MTP1"
                key: "Enable"
                value: "False"
                key: "EnableMDNS"
                value: "True"
                key: "Protocol"
                value: "CoAP"
                key: "Status"
                value: "Inactive"

        resolved_path_results {
          resolved_path: "Device.LocalAgent.MTP.5156.CoAP."
          result_params {
              key: "CheckPeerID"
              value: "False"
              key: "EnableEncryption"
              value: "True"
              key: "Host"
              value: ""
              key: "IsEncrypted"
              value: "False"
              key: "Path"
              value: "/e/agent"
              key: "Port"
              value: "5684"
              key: "ValidatePeerCertificate"
              value: "True"
        resolved_path_results {
          resolved_path: "Device.LocalAgent.MTP.5156.STOMP."
          result_params {
              key: "Destination"
              key: "Reference"
      req_path_results {
        requested_path: "Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[ID=="boot-1"&&Recipient=="Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1"].Enable"
        resolved_path_results {
          resolved_path: "Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.6629."
          result_params {
            key: "Enable"
            value: "True"

Could you let me know if I am missing something here or if there is indeed an error in the examples? In case there is an error, could you let me know which of the 2 options is the correct one?

Thank you for your time.

therealprof commented 3 years ago

👋 Interesting ambiguity you found there!

There's also TP-469 (which is a test plan for TR-369) and if you have a look at you can the expected result for such a path traversing as per the test plan.

JacobsJohan commented 3 years ago

So based on the expected test result, the 2nd example shows the correct implementation.

Additional resolved_path_results exist for each of the sub-objects of Device.LocalAgent., with result_params containing the keys and values of each sub-object’s parameters.

Could this be updated in the USP spec to avoid confusion in the future?

helpatbbf commented 3 years ago

Hi Johan,

Thank you for your suggestion. I have sent you an email on submitting this change as a contribution to the USP spec. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to my email or reach out to We appreciate your contribution. Thank You!

Rhonda Heier Broadband Forum

helpatbbf commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Broadband Forum at